extension by localization
Let R be a commutative ring and let S be a non-empty multiplicative subset of R. Then the localisation (http://planetmath.org/Localization) of R at S gives the commutative ring S-1R but, generally, it has no subring isomorphic
to R. Formally, S-1R consists of all elements as (a∈R, s∈S). Therefore, S-1R is called also a ring of quotients of R. If 0∈S, then
S-1R={0}; we assume now that 0∉S.
The mapping a↦ass, where s is any element of S, is well-defined and a homomorphism
from R to S-1R. All elements of S are mapped to units of S-1R.
If, especially, S contains no zero divisors
of the ring R, then the above mapping is an isomorphism from R to a certain subring of S-1R, and we may think that S-1R⊇R. In this case, the ring of fractions of R is an extension ring of R; this concerns of course the case that R is an integral domain
. But if R is a finite ring, then S-1R=R, and no proper extension is obtained.
Title | extension by localization |
Canonical name | ExtensionByLocalization |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:24:42 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:24:42 |
Owner | pahio (2872) |
Last modified by | pahio (2872) |
Numerical id | 15 |
Author | pahio (2872) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 13B30 |
Synonym | ring extension by localization |
Related topic | TotalRingOfFractions |
Related topic | ClassicalRingOfQuotients |
Related topic | FiniteRingHasNoProperOverrings |
Defines | ring of fractions |
Defines | ring of quotients |