factorization of primitive polynomial
As an application of the parent entry (http://planetmath.org/EliminationOfUnknown) we take the factorization of a primitive polynomial of ℤ[x] into primitive (http://planetmath.org/PrimitivePolynomial) prime factors
. We shall see that the procedure may be done by performing a finite number of tests.
a(x)=:anxn+an-1xn-1+…+a0 |
be a primitive polynomial in ℤ[x].
By the rational root theorem and the factor theorem, one finds all first-degree prime factors x-a and thus all primitive prime factors of the polynomial a(x).
If a(x) has a primitive quadratic factor, then it has also a factor
x2+px+q | (1) |
where p and q are rationals (and conversely). For settling the existence of such a factor we treat p and q as unknowns and perform the long division
a(x):(x2+px+q). |
It gives finally the remainder b(p,q)x+c(p,q) where b(p,q) and c(p,q) belong to ℤ[p,q]. According to the parent entry (http://planetmath.org/EliminationOfUnknown) we bring the system
{b(p,q)= 0c(p,q)= 0 |
to the form
{ˉb(q)= 0ˉc(p,q)= 0 |
and then can determine the possible rational solutions (p,q) of the system via a finite number of tests. Hence we find the possible quadratic factors (1) having rational coefficients. Such a factor is converted into a primitive one when it is multiplied by the gcd of the denominators of p and q.
Determining a possible cubic factor x3+px2+qx+r with rational coefficients requires examination of a remainder of the form
b(p,q,r)x2+c(p,q,r)x+d(p,q,r). |
In the needed system
{b(p,q,r)= 0c(p,q,r)= 0d(p,q,r)= 0 |
we have to perform two eliminations. Then we can act as above and find a primitive cubic factor of a(x). Similarly also the primitive factors of higher degree. All in all, one needs only look for factors of degree ≤n2.
- 1 K. Väisälä: Lukuteorian ja korkeamman algebran alkeet. Tiedekirjasto No. 17. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava, Helsinki (1950).
Title | factorization of primitive polynomial |
Canonical name | FactorizationOfPrimitivePolynomial |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 19:20:30 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 19:20:30 |
Owner | pahio (2872) |
Last modified by | pahio (2872) |
Numerical id | 4 |
Author | pahio (2872) |
Entry type | Algorithm |
Classification | msc 12D99 |
Classification | msc 26C05 |
Synonym | primitive factors of primitive polynomial |
Related topic | EliminationOfUnknown |