Gauss Green theorem
Theorem 1 (Gauss-Green)
Let Ω⊂Rn be a bounded open set with C1 boundary, let νΩ:∂Ω→Rn be the exterior unit normal vector to Ω in the point x and let f:ˉΩ→Rn be a vector function in C0(ˉΩ,Rn)∩C1(Ω,Rn). Then
∫Ωdivf(x)𝑑x=∫∂Ω⟨f(x),νΩ(x)⟩𝑑σ(x). |
Some remarks on notation.
The operator divf is the divergence of the vector field
f, which is sometimes written as ∇⋅f.
In the right-hand side we have a surface integral, dσ is the corresponding area measure on ∂Ω.
The scalar product
in the second integral is sometimes written as fn(x)
and represents the normal component
of f with respect to ∂Ω; hence the whole integral represents the flux of the vector field f through ∂Ω;
This theorem can be easily extended to piecewise regular domains. However the more general statement of this Theorem involves the theory of perimeters and BV functions.
Theorem 2 (generalized Gauss-Green)
Let E⊂Rn be any measurable set.
∫Edivf(x)𝑑x=∫∂*E⟨νE(x),f(x)⟩𝑑ℋn-1(x) |
holds for every continuously differentiable function f:Rn→Rn with compact support (i.e. f∈C1c(Rn,Rn)) where
∂*E is the essential boundary of E which is a subset of the topological boundary ∂E;
νE(x) is the exterior normal vector to E, which is defined when x∈ℱE;
ℋn-1 is the (n-1)-dimensional Hausdorff measure
Title | Gauss Green theorem |
Canonical name | GaussGreenTheorem |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:01:51 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:01:51 |
Owner | paolini (1187) |
Last modified by | paolini (1187) |
Numerical id | 13 |
Author | paolini (1187) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 26B20 |
Synonym | divergence theorem |
Related topic | GreensTheorem |
Related topic | GeneralStokesTheorem |
Related topic | IntegrationWithRespectToSurfaceArea |
Related topic | ClassicalStokesTheorem |
Related topic | FluxOfVectorField |