generated subring
Definition 1
Let M be a nonempty subset of a ring A. The intersection of all subrings of A that include M is the smallest subring of A that includes M. It is called the subring generated by M and is denoted by ⟨M⟩.
The subring generated by M is formed by finite sums of monomials of the form :
a1a2⋯an,wherea1,…,an∈M. |
Of particular interest is the subring generated by a family of subrings E={Ai|i∈I}. It is the ring R formed by finite sums of monomials of the form:
ai1ai2…ain,whereaik∈Aik. |
If A,B are rings, the subring generated by A∪B is also denoted by AB.
In the case when Ai are fields included in a larger field A then the set of all quotients of elements of R ( the quotient field of R) is the composite field ⋁i∈IAi of the family E. In other words, it is the subfield generated by ⋃i∈IAi. The notation ⋁i∈IAi comes from the fact that the family of all subfields of a field forms a complete lattice
The of fields is defined only when the respective fields are all included in a larger field.
Title | generated subring |
Canonical name | GeneratedSubring |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:57:27 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:57:27 |
Owner | polarbear (3475) |
Last modified by | polarbear (3475) |
Numerical id | 9 |
Author | polarbear (3475) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 20-00 |
Classification | msc 13-00 |
Classification | msc 16-00 |
Related topic | RingAdjunction |
Defines | subring generated by |
Defines | monomials in rings |