gluing together continuous functions


closed setsPlanetmathPlanetmath \PMlinkescapephraseopen set \PMlinkescapephraseopen sets \PMlinkescapephraseopen subset


Suppose we have a collectionMathworldPlanetmath 𝒮 of subsets of a topological spaceMathworldPlanetmath X, and for each A𝒮 we have a continuous functionMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath fA:AY, where Y is another topological space. If the functions fA agree wherever their domains intersect, then we can glue them together in the obvious way to form a new function f:𝒮Y. The theorems in this entry give some sufficient conditions for f to be continuous.


Theorem 1.

Let X and Y be topological spaces, let S be a locally finite collection of closed subsets ( of X, and let f:SY be a function such that the restrictionPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath ( f|A is continuous for all AS. Then f is continuous.

Theorem 2.

Let X and Y be topological spaces, let S be a collection of open subsets ( of X, and let f:SY be a function such that the restriction f|A is continuous for all AS. Then f is continuous.


Note that the theorem for closed subsets requires the collection to be locally finite. To see that this is condition cannot be omitted, notice that any function f: restricts to a continuous function on each singleton, yet need not be continuous itself.


The two theorems are proved in essentially in the same way, but for the first theorem we need to make use of the fact that the union of a locally finite collection of closed sets is closed.

Proof of Theorem 1. Let C be a closed subset of Y. Then f-1(C)=A𝒮(Af-1(C))=A𝒮(f|A)-1(C). By continuity, each (f|A)-1(C) is closed in A. But by assumptionPlanetmathPlanetmath each A is closed in X, so it follows that each (f|A)-1(C) is closed in X. Thus f-1(C) is the union of a locally finite collection of closed sets, and is therefore closed in X, and so closed in 𝒮. So f is continuous. ∎

Proof of Theorem 2. Let U be an open subset of Y. Then f-1(U)=A𝒮(Af-1(U))=A𝒮(f|A)-1(U). By continuity, each (f|A)-1(U) is open in A. But by assumption each A is open in X, so it follows that each (f|A)-1(U) is open in X. Thus f-1(U) is the union of a collection of open sets, and is therefore open in X, and so open in 𝒮. So f is continuous. ∎

Title gluing together continuous functions
Canonical name GluingTogetherContinuousFunctions
Date of creation 2013-03-22 15:17:20
Last modified on 2013-03-22 15:17:20
Owner yark (2760)
Last modified by yark (2760)
Numerical id 16
Author yark (2760)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 54C05