graph homomorphism
We shall define what a graph homomorphism is between two pseudographs, so that a graph homomorphism between two multigraphs
, or two graphs are special cases.
Recall that a pseudograph G is an ordered triple (V,E,i), where V is a set called the vertex set of G, E is a set called the edge set of G, and i:E→2V is a map (incidence map), such that for every e∈E, 1≤|i(e)|≤2.
Elements of V are called vertices, elements of E edges. The vertex/vertices associated with any edge e via the map i is/are called the endpoint(s) of e. If an edge e has only one endpoint, it is called a loop. e1 and e2 are said to be parallel
if i(e1)=i(e2).
As two examples, a multigraph is a pseudograph such that |i(e)|=2 for each edge e∈E (no loops allowed). A graph is a multigraph such that i is one-to-one (no parallel edges allowed).
Definition. Given two pseudographs G1=(V1,E1,i1) and G2=(V2,E2,i2), a graph homomorphism h from G1 to G2 consists of two functions f:V1→V2 and g:E1→E2, such that
i2∘g=f*∘i1. | (1) |
The function f*:2V1→2V2 is defined as f*(S)={f(s)∣s∈S}.
A graph isomorphism h=(f,g) is a graph homomorphism such that both f and g are bijections
. It is a
graph automorphism if G1=G2.
In case when G1 and G2 are graphs, a graph homomorphism may be defined in terms of a single function f:V1→V2 satisfying the condition (*)
{v1,v2} is an edge of G1⟹{f(v1),f(v2)} is an edge of G2.
To see this, suppose h=(f,g) is a graph homomorphism from G1 to G2. Then f*i1(e)=f*({v1,v2})={f(v1),f(v2)}=i2(g(e)). The last equation says that f(v1) and f(v2) are endpoints of g(e). Conversely, suppose f:V1→V2 is a function sastisfying condition (*). For each e∈E1 with end points {v1,v2}, let e′∈E2 be the edge whose endpoints are {f(v1),f(v2)}. There is only one such edge because G2 is a graph, having no parallel edges. Define g:E1→E2 by g(e)=e′. Then g is a well-defined function which also satisfies Equation (1). So h:= is a graph homomorphism .
The definition of a graph homomorphism between pseudographs can be analogously applied to one between directed pseudographs. Since the incidence map now maps each edge to an ordered pair of vertices, a graph homomorphism thus defined will respect the “direction” of each edge. For example,
are two non-isomorphic digraphs
whose underlying graphs are isomorphic. Note that one digraph is strongly connected
, while the other is only weakly connected.
Title | graph homomorphism |
Canonical name | GraphHomomorphism |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:04:53 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:04:53 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 11 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 05C75 |
Classification | msc 05C60 |
Synonym | graph automorphism |
Related topic | GraphIsomorphism |
Related topic | Pseudograph |
Related topic | Multigraph |
Related topic | Graph |