group socle
The socle of a group is the subgroup generated by all minimal normal subgroups.
Because the product of normal subgroups
is a subgroup, it follows we can remove the word “generated” and replace it by “product.” So the socle of a group is now the product of its minimal normal subgroups. This description can be further refined with a few observations.
Proposition 1.
If M and N are minimal normal subgroups then M and N centralize each other.
Given two distinct minimal normal subgroup M and N, [M,N] is contained in N and M as both are normal. Thus [M,N]≤M∩N. But M and N are distinct minimal normal subgroups and M∩N is normal so M∩N=1 thus [M,N]=1. ∎
Proposition 2.
The socle of a finite group is a direct product
of minimal normal subgroups.
Let S be the socle of G. We already know S is the product of its minimal normal subgroups, so let us assume S=N1⋯Nk where each Ni is a distinct minimal normal subgroup of G. Thus N1∩N2=1 and N1N2 clearly contains N1 and N2. Now suppose we extend this to a subsquence Ni1=N1,Ni2=N2,Ni3,…,Nij where
Nik∩(Ni1⋯Nik-1)=1 |
for 1≤k<j and Ni≤Ni1⋯Nij for all 1≤i≤ij. Then consider Nij+1.
As Nij+1 is a minimal normal subgroup and Ni1⋯Nij is a normal subgroup, Nij+1 is either contained in Ni1⋯Nij or intersects trivially. If Nij+1 is contained in Ni1⋯Nij then skip to the next Ni, otherwise set it to be Nij+1. The result is a squence Ni1,…,Nij of minimal normal subgroups where S=Ni1⋯Nis and
Nij∩(Ni1⋯Nij-1)=1,1≤j≤s. |
As we have already seen distinct minimal normal subgroups centralize each other we conclude that S=Ni1×⋯×Nis. ∎
Proposition 3.
A minimal normal subgroup is characteristically simple, so if it is finite then it is a product of isomorphic simple groups
If M is a minimal normal subgroup of G and 1<C<M is characteristic in M, then C is normal in G which contradicts the minimality of M. Thus M is characteristically simple.
Corollary 4.
The socle of a finite group is a direct product of simple groups.
As each Nij is characteristically simple each Nij is a direct product of isomorphic simple groups, thus S is a direct product simple groups. ∎
Title | group socle |
Canonical name | GroupSocle |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:55:12 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:55:12 |
Owner | Algeboy (12884) |
Last modified by | Algeboy (12884) |
Numerical id | 14 |
Author | Algeboy (12884) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 20E34 |
Synonym | socle |
Defines | socle |