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hitting times are stopping times

Let (t)t𝕋 be a filtrationMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath ( on a measurable spaceMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath (Ω,). If X is an adapted stochastic processMathworldPlanetmath taking values in a measurable space (E,𝒜) then the hitting timePlanetmathPlanetmath of a set S𝒜 is defined as


We suppose that 𝕋 is a closed subset of , so the hitting time τ will indeed lie in 𝕋 whenever it is finite. The main cases are discrete-time when 𝕋=+ and continuous-time where 𝕋=+. An important property of hitting times is that they are stopping times, as stated below for the different cases.

Discrete-time processes

For discrete-time processes, hitting times are easily shown to be stopping times.


If the index setMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath T is discrete, then the hitting time τ is a stopping time.


For any st𝕋 then Xs will be t/𝒜-measurable, as it is adapted. So, by the fact that the σ-algebra t is closed under taking countableMathworldPlanetmath unions,


as required. ∎

Continuous processes

For continuous-time processes it is not necessarily true that a hitting time is even measurable, unless further conditions are imposed. Processes with continuousMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath sample paths can be dealt with easily.


Suppose that X is a continuous and adapted process taking values in a metric space E. Then, the hitting time τ of any closed subset SE is a stopping time.


We may suppose that S is nonempty, and define the continuous function dS(x)inf{d(x,y):yS} on E. Then, τ is the first time at which YtdS(Xt) hits 0. Letting U be any countable and dense subsetPlanetmathPlanetmath of 𝕋[0,t] then the continuity of the sample paths of Y gives,


As the infimumMathworldPlanetmath of a countable set of measurable functionsMathworldPlanetmath is measurable, this shows that {τt} is in t. ∎

Right-continuous processes

Right-continuous processes are more difficult to handle than either the discrete-time and continuous sample path situations. The first time at which a right-continuous process hits a given value need not be measurable. However, it can be shown to be universally measurable, and the following result holds.


Suppose that X is a right-continuous and adapted process taking values in a metric space E, and that the filtration (Ft) is universally complete. Then, the hitting time τ of any closed subset SE is a stopping time.

In particular, the hitting time of any closed set S for an adapted right-continuous and real-valued process is a stopping time.

The proof of this result is rather more involved than the case for continuous processes, and the condition that t is universally complete is necessary.

Progressively measurable processes

The début D(A) of a set A𝕋×Ω is defined to be the hitting time of {1} for the process 1A,


An important result for continuous-time stochastic processes is the début theorem.

Theorem (Début theorem).

Suppose that the filtration (Ft) is right-continuous and universally complete. Then, the début D(A) of a progressively measurable AT×Ω is a stopping time.

Proofs of this typically rely upon properties of analytic setsMathworldPlanetmath, and are therefore much more complicated than the result above for right-continuous processes.

A process X taking values in a measurable space (E,𝒜) is said to be progressive if the set X-1(S) is progressively measurable for every S𝒜. In particular, the hitting time of S is equal to the début of X-1(S) and the début theorem has the following immediate corollary.


Suppose that the filtration (Ft) is right-continuous and universally complete, and that X is a progressive process taking values in a measurable space (E,A). Then, the hitting time τ of any set SA is a stopping time.

Title hitting times are stopping times
Canonical name HittingTimesAreStoppingTimes
Date of creation 2013-03-22 18:39:06
Last modified on 2013-03-22 18:39:06
Owner gel (22282)
Last modified by gel (22282)
Numerical id 7
Author gel (22282)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 60G40
Classification msc 60G05
Defines hitting time
Defines début
Defines debut
Defines début theorem
Defines debut theorem