Hurwitz genus formula
The following formula, due to Hurwitz, is extremely useful when trying to compute the genus of an algebraic curve. In this entry K is a perfect field (i.e. every algebraic extension
of K is separable). Recall that a non-constant map of curves ψ:C1→C2 over K is separable if the extension of function fields K(C1)/ψ∗K(C2) is a separable extension of fields.
Theorem (Hurwitz Genus Formula).
Let C1 and C2 be two smooth curves defined over K of genus g1 and g2, respectively. Let ψ:C1→C2 be a non-constant and separable map. Then
2g1-2≥(degψ)(2g2-2)+∑P∈C1(eψ(P)-1) |
where eψ(P) is the ramification index of ψ at P. Moreover, there is equality if and only if either char(K)=0 or char(K)=p>0 and p does not divide eψ(P) for all P∈C1.
As an application of the Hurwitz genus formula, we show that an elliptic curve E:y2=x(x-α)(x-β) defined over a field K of characteristic
0 has genus 1. Notice that the fact that E is an elliptic curve over K implies that 0,α and β are distinct elements of K, otherwise E would be a singular curve. We define a map:
ψ:E→ℙ1,[x,y,z]↦[x,z] |
and notice that [0,1,0], the “point at infinity” of E, maps to [1,0], the point at infinity of ℙ1. The degree of this map is 2: generically every point in ℙ1 has two preimages, namely [x,y,z] and [x,-y,z]. Moreover, the genus of ℙ1 is 0 and the map ψ is ramified exactly at 4 points, namely P1=[0,0,1],P2=[α,0,1],P3=[β,0,1] and the point at infinity. It is easily checked that the ramification index at each point is eψ(Pi)=2. Hence, the Hurwitz formula reads:
2g1-2=2(2⋅0-2)+4∑i=1(eψ(Pi)-1)=-4+4=0. |
We conclude that g1=1, as claimed.
Title | Hurwitz genus formula |
Canonical name | HurwitzGenusFormula |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:57:15 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:57:15 |
Owner | alozano (2414) |
Last modified by | alozano (2414) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | alozano (2414) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 14H99 |
Related topic | RiemannRochTheorem |
Related topic | EllipticCurve |