inner product
An inner product on a vector space
V over a field K (which must be either the field ℝ of real numbers or the field ℂ of complex numbers
) is a function (,):V×V⟶K such that, for all k1,k2∈K and 𝐯1,𝐯2,𝐯,𝐰∈V, the following properties hold:
(k1𝐯1+k2𝐯2,𝐰)=k1(𝐯1,𝐰)+k2(𝐯2,𝐰) (linearity11A small minority of authors impose linearity on the second coordinate
instead of the first coordinate.)
(𝐯,𝐰)=¯(𝐰,𝐯), where ¯ denotes complex conjugation (conjugate
(𝐯,𝐯)≥0, and (𝐯,𝐯)=0 if and only if 𝐯=𝟎 (positive definite
(Note: Rule 2 guarantees that (𝐯,𝐯)∈ℝ, so the inequality (𝐯,𝐯)≥0 in rule 3 makes sense even when K=ℂ.)
The standard example of an inner product is the dot product on Kn:
((x1,…,xn),(y1,…,yn)):= |
Every inner product space is a normed vector space
, with the norm being defined by .
Title | inner product |
Canonical name | InnerProduct |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:13:39 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:13:39 |
Owner | djao (24) |
Last modified by | djao (24) |
Numerical id | 15 |
Author | djao (24) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 11E39 |
Classification | msc 15A63 |
Synonym | Hermitian inner product |
Related topic | InnerProductSpace |
Related topic | HermitianForm |
Related topic | EuclideanVectorSpace |