irreducible ideal
Let R be a ring. An ideal I in R is said to be if, whenever I is an intersection of two ideals: I=J∩K, then either I=J or I=K.
Irreducible ideals are closely related to the notions of irreducible elements
in a ring. In fact, the following holds:
Proposition 1.
If D is a gcd domain, and x is an irreducible element, then I=(x) is an irreducible ideal.
If x is a unit, then I=D and we are done. So we assume that x is not a unit for the remainder of the proof.
Let I=J∩K and suppose a∈J-I and b∈K-I. Then ab=xn for some n∈ℕ. Let c be a gcd of a and x. So
cd=x |
for some d∈D. Since x is irreducible, either c is a unit or d is. The proof now breaks down into two cases:
c is a unit. Let t be a lcm of a and x. Then tc is an associate of ax. But c is a unit, t and ax are associates, so that ax is a lcm of a and x. As ab=xn, both a∣ab and x∣ab hold, which imply that ax∣ab. Write axr=ab, where r∈D. Then b=xr∈I, which is impossible by assumption
d is a unit. So c is an associate of x. Because c divides a, we get that x∣a as well, or a∈I, which is again impossible by assumption.
Therefore, the assumption that J-I≠∅ and K-I≠∅ is false, which is the same as saying J⊆I or K⊆I. But I⊆J and I⊆K, either I=J or I=K, or I is irreducible. ∎
Remark. In a commutative Noetherian ring
, the notion of an irreducible ideal can be used to prove the Lasker-Noether theorem: every ideal (in a Noetherian ring) has a primary decomposition.
- 1 D.G. Northcott, Ideal Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1953.
- 2 H. Matsumura, Commutative Ring Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
- 3 M. Reid, Undergraduate Commutative Algebra, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Title | irreducible ideal |
Canonical name | IrreducibleIdeal |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:19:47 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:19:47 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 10 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 13E05 |
Classification | msc 13A15 |
Classification | msc 16D25 |
Synonym | indecomposable ideal |
Related topic | IrreducibleElement |