A latticoid is a set L with two binary operations, the meet ∧ and the join ∨ on L satisfying the following conditions:
(idempotence) x∧x=x∨x=x for any x∈L,
(commutativity) x∧y=y∧x and x∨y=y∨x for any x,y∈L, and
(absorption) x∨(y∧x)=x∧(y∨x)=x for any x,y∈L.
A latticoid is like a lattice without the associativity assumption, i.e., a lattice is a latticoid that is both meet associative and join associative.
If one of the binary operations is associative, say ∧ is associative, we may define a latticoid as a poset as follows:
x≤y iff x∧y=x. |
Clearly, ≤ is reflexive, as x∧x=x. If x≤y and y≤x, then x=x∧y=y∧x=y, so ≤ is anti-symmetric. Finally, suppose x≤y and y≤z, then x∧z=(x∧y)∧z=x∧(y∧z)=x∧y=x, or x≤z, ≤ is transitive
Once a latticoid is a poset, we may easily visualize it by a diagram (Hasse diagram), much like that of a lattice. Position y above x if x≤y and connect a line segment between x and y. The following is the diagram of a latticoid that is meet associative but not join associative:
\xymatrix&a∨b\ar@-[d]&&c\ar@-[ld]\ar@-[rd]&a\ar@-[rd]&&b\ar@-[ld]&a∧b& |
It is not join associative because (a∨b)∨c=a∨b, whereas a∨(b∨c)=a∨c=c≠a∨b.
Given a latticoid L, we can define a dual L* of L by using the same underlying set, and define the meet of a and b in L* as the join of a and b in L, and the join of a and b (in L*) as the meet of a and b in L. L is a meet-associative latticoid iff L* is join-associative.
Title | latticoid |
Canonical name | Latticoid |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:31:02 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:31:02 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 06F99 |