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Leyland number

An integer of the form xy+yx, with 1<xy.

Leyland numbers with x<y<11 are

8, 17, 32, 57, 100, 177, 320, 593, 1124 54, 145, 368, 945, 2530, 7073, 20412, 60049 512, 1649, 5392, 18785, 69632, 268705, 1058576 6250, 23401, 94932, 423393, 2012174, 9865625 93312, 397585, 1941760, 10609137, 61466176 1647086, 7861953, 45136576, 292475249 33554432, 177264449, 1173741824 774840978, 4486784401 20000000000

The largest known prime Leyland number 26384405+44052638.


R. Crandall, C. Pomerance, Prime NumbersMathworldPlanetmath: A Computational Perspective, Springer, 2001

Title Leyland number
Canonical name LeylandNumber
Date of creation 2013-03-22 15:50:01
Last modified on 2013-03-22 15:50:01
Owner CompositeFan (12809)
Last modified by CompositeFan (12809)
Numerical id 5
Author CompositeFan (12809)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 11A63