limit points and closure for connected sets
The below theorem shows that adding limit points to a connected
set preserves connectedness.
Theorem 1.
Suppose A is a connected set in a topological space.
If A⊆B⊆ˉA, then B is connected.
In particular, ˉA is connected.
Thus, one way to prove that a space X is connected is to find a dense subspace in X which is connected.
Two touching closed balls in ℝ2 shows that this theorem does not hold
for the interior. Along the same lines, taking the closure
does not
preserve separatedness.
Let X be the ambient topological space.
By assumption, if U,V⊆A are open and U∪V=A, then
To prove that B is connected, let U,V be open sets in
B such that U∪V=B and for a
contradition, suppose that U∩V=∅.
Then there are open sets R,S⊆X such that
U=R∩B,V=S∩B. |
It follows that (R∪S)∩B=B and (R∩S)∩B=∅. Next, let ˜U,˜V be open sets in A defined as
˜U=R∩A,˜V=S∩A. |
A=B∩A⊆(R∪S)∩A⊆A |
and as (R∪S)∩A=˜U∪˜V, it follows that ∅≠˜U∩˜V=(R∩S)∩A. Then, by the properties of the closure operator,
∅≠¯(R∩S)∩A⊇(R∩S)∩ˉA⊇(R∩S)∩B=∅. |
Title | limit points and closure for connected sets |
Canonical name | LimitPointsAndClosureForConnectedSets |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:17:56 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:17:56 |
Owner | matte (1858) |
Last modified by | matte (1858) |
Numerical id | 7 |
Author | matte (1858) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 54D05 |