L-series of an elliptic curve
Let E be an elliptic curve over ℚ with Weierstrass
y2+a1xy+a3y=x3+a2x2+a4x+a6 |
with coefficients ai∈ℤ. For p a prime in ℤ, define Np as the number of points in the reduction of the curve modulo p, this is, the number of points in:
{O}∪{(x,y)∈𝔽p2:y2+a1xy+a3y-x3-a2x2-a4x-a6≡0modp} |
where O is the point at infinity. Also, let ap=p+1-Np. We define the local part at p of the L-series to be:
Lp(T)={1-apT+pT2, if E has good reduction at p,1-T, if E has split multiplicative reduction at p,1+T, if E has non-split multiplicative reduction at p,1, if E has additive reduction at p. |
The L-series of the elliptic curve E is defined to be:
L(E,s)=∏p1Lp(p-s) |
where the product is over all primes.
Note: The product converges and gives an analytic function for all
Re(s)>3/2. This follows from the fact that ∣ap∣≤2√p. However, far more is true:
Theorem (Taylor, Wiles).
The L-series L(E,s) has an analytic continuation to the entire
complex plane, and it satisfies the following functional equation.
Λ(E,s)=(NE/ℚ)s/2(2π)-sΓ(s)L(E,s) |
where NE/Q is the conductor of E and Γ is
the Gamma function
. Then:
Λ(E,s)=wΛ(E,2-s) |
The number above is usually called the root number of , and it has an important conjectural meaning (see Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture).
This result was known for elliptic curves having complex
multiplication (Deuring, Weil) until the general result was
finally proven.
- 1 James Milne, Elliptic Curves, http://www.jmilne.org/math/CourseNotes/math679.htmlonline course notes.
- 2 Joseph H. Silverman, The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1986.
- 3 Joseph H. Silverman, Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994.
- 4 Goro Shimura, Introduction to the Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Functions. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1971.
Title | L-series of an elliptic curve |
Canonical name | LseriesOfAnEllipticCurve |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:49:43 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:49:43 |
Owner | alozano (2414) |
Last modified by | alozano (2414) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | alozano (2414) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 14H52 |
Synonym | L-function of an elliptic curve |
Related topic | EllipticCurve |
Related topic | DirichletLSeries |
Related topic | ConductorOfAnEllipticCurve |
Related topic | HassesBoundForEllipticCurvesOverFiniteFields |
Related topic | ArithmeticOfEllipticCurves |
Defines | L-series of an elliptic curve |
Defines | local part of the L-series |
Defines | root number |