multinomial distribution
Let 𝐗=(X1,…,Xn) be a random vector such that
Xi≥0 and Xi∈ℤ
X1+⋯+Xn=N, where N is a fixed integer
Then X has a multinomial distribution if there exists a parameter vector 𝝅=(π1,…,πn) such that
πi≥0 and πi∈ℝ
X has a discrete probability distribution function f𝐗(𝒙) in the form:
Var[𝐗]=(vij), where
vij={Nπi(1-πi)if i=j;-Nπiπjif i≠j. -
When n=2, the multinomial distribution is the same as the binomial distribution
If X1,…,Xn are mutually independent Poisson random variables with parameters λ1,…,λn respectively, then the conditional
joint distribution
of X1,…,Xn given that X1+⋯+Xn=N is multinomial with parameters λi/λ, where λ=∑λi.
Sketch of proof. Each Xi is distributed as:
fXi(xi)=e-λiλxiixi! The mutual independence of the Xi’s shows that the joint probability distribution of the Xi’s is given by
f𝐗(𝒙)=n∏i=1e-λiλxiixi!=e-λn∏i=1λxiixi!, where 𝐗=(X1,…,Xn), 𝒙=(x1,…,xn) and λ=λ1+⋯+λn. Next, let X=X1+⋯+Xn. Then X is Poisson distributed with parameter λ (which can be shown by using induction
and the mutual independence of the Xi’s):
fX(x)=e-λλxx!. The conditional probability distribution of X given that X=N is thus given by:
f𝐗(𝒙∣X=N)=f𝐗(𝒙)fX(N)=(e-λn∏i=1λxiixi!)/(e-λλNN!)=N!x1!⋯xn!n∏i=1(λiλ)xi, where ∑xi=N and that ∑λi/λ=1.
Title | multinomial distribution |
Canonical name | MultinomialDistribution |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:33:35 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:33:35 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 7 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 60E05 |