
μ on predicates

Let a property on non-negative integers be given. Informally, the μ-operator looks for the smallest number satisfying the given property. The μ-operator is also known as the (unboundedPlanetmathPlanetmath) minimization operator or the (unbounded) search operator. Formally,

Definition. Let Φ(𝒙,y) be an (m+1)-ary predicateMathworldPlanetmath (property) over , the set of natural numbers (0 included here), with m a non-negative integer (𝒙 is m-ary). Define


The μ-operator on Φ is given by

μyΦ(𝒙,y):={minAΦ(𝒙)if AΦ(𝒙),undefinedotherwise.

The notation μyΦ(𝒙,y) reads “the smallest y such that Φ(𝒙,y) is satisfied”. Note that y is used both as a variable and a number that the variable y represents.

Note that μyΦ(𝒙,y) is a partial functionMathworldPlanetmath on 𝒙 (y is a boundedPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath variable). In other words, the μ-operator is a function that takes an m+1-ary predicate to an m-ary partial function. When m=0, μ is either an integer, or .

For example, suppose Φ(x,y) is the property (x-y)(x+y)10. Then μyΦ(x,y)=0 iff x4, and undefined otherwise.

The reason why the μ-operator is called the search operator comes from recursive functionMathworldPlanetmath theory. The search for the smallest y such that Φ(𝒙,y) begins with testing for Φ(𝒙,0). If the test fails (Φ(𝒙,0) is false), then testing for Φ(𝒙,1),Φ(𝒙,2),Φ(𝒙,3), are successively performed. The testing stops when a y with Φ(𝒙,y) is found. This y is also the smallest y satisfying Φ. Nevertheless, the testing can conceivably go on indefinitely, hence the name unbounded. There is also a bounded version of μ-operationMathworldPlanetmath:

Definition. Let Φ(𝒙,y) be given as above. Define

AΦ(𝒙,y):={zΦ(𝒙,z) and zy}.

The bounded μ-operator on Φ is given by

μzyΦ(𝒙,z):={minAΦ(𝒙,y)if AΦ(𝒙,y),y+1otherwise.

Thus the bounded μ-operator takes an (m+1)-ary predicate (on (𝒙,z), where z is a free variableMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath) to an (m+1)-ary total function (on (𝒙,y), as z is now bounded by μ).

μ on total functions

The μ operator can also be defined on functions. We first discuss the case of μ on total functions.

Definition. Given a total (m+1)-ary function f:m+1, define


The μ-operator on f is given by

μyf(𝒙,y):={minAf(𝒙)if Af(𝒙),undefinedotherwise.

This definition is actually equivalentMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath to the one regarding predicates, in the following sense: given a total function f with arity m+1, define predicate Φf(𝒙,y) of arity m+1, as “f(𝒙,y)=0”. Then


Conversely, given an (m+1)-ary predicate Φ(𝒙,y), define an (m+1)-ary function fΦ(𝒙,y):=1-˙χΦ(𝒙,y), where χΦ is the characteristic functionMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath of Φ. Then


Note also that μf may be partial even if f is total, since it is possible f(𝒙,y)0 for all y, and the search will go on indefinitely. For example, let f(x,z,y)=x2+z2-y2 if x2+z2y2, and 1 otherwise. Clearly, f is a total function. It is easy to see that μyf(3,4,y)=5, while μyf(1,2,y) is undefined.

μ on partial functions

The definition of the μ-operator on total functions can be generalized to partial functions. However, in recursive functions theory, an additional condition is imposed in order to make the generalizationPlanetmathPlanetmath.

Definition. Given a partial (m+1)-ary function f:m+1, define

Af(𝒙):={yf(𝒙,y)=0 and (𝒙,z)dom(f) for all zy},

The μ-operator on f is given by

μyf(𝒙,y):={minAf(𝒙)if Af(𝒙),undefinedotherwise.

The extra condition that f(𝒙,z) be defined for all zy is needed in order to avoid situations where testing for f(𝒙,z)=0 gets stuck in an infinite loop (in a Turing machineMathworldPlanetmath or a URM) because f(𝒙,z) is undefined, before y is ever reached for testing. If we drop this extra condition, then it is possible to find a partial recursive function f such that μf is not recursive.


  • Bounded μ-operator may also be defined on functions. In the case of partial functions, the definition can be given as follows: let f(𝒙,y) be an (m+1)-ary partial function, with

    Af(𝒙,y):={zf(𝒙,z)=0,zy, and (𝒙,t)dom(f) for all tz},


    μzyf(𝒙,z):={minAf(𝒙,y)if Af(𝒙,y),y+1if Af(𝒙,y)= and (𝒙,t)dom(f) for all tyundefinedotherwise.
  • Given the set 𝒫 of primitive recursive functionsMathworldPlanetmath, one obtains the set of recursive functions by taking the closureMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath of 𝒫 with respect to the application of the μ-operator. Furthermore, if f, so is μf, and it can be shown that any recursive function can be obtained from primitive recursive functions by no more than one application of the μ-operator. This is known as the Kleene normal form theoremMathworldPlanetmath.

  • With respect to the bounded μ-operator, any primitive recursive function (or predicate) stays primitive recursive after an application of the bounded μ, and any total recursive function stays total after an application of the bounded μ.

Title μ-operator
Canonical name muoperator
Date of creation 2013-03-22 19:05:47
Last modified on 2013-03-22 19:05:47
Owner CWoo (3771)
Last modified by CWoo (3771)
Numerical id 12
Author CWoo (3771)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 03D20
Synonym minimization operator
Synonym minimization-operator
Synonym search operator
Synonym search-operator