natural numbers are well-ordered
In many proofs, one needs the following property of positive and nonnegative integers:
Theorem. Any non-empty set of natural numbers contains a least number.
Proof. Let A be an arbitrary non-empty subset of ℕ. Denote
C={x∈ℕ⋮x≤a∀a∈A}. |
Then of course, 0∈C. There exists surely an element c of C such that c+1∉C, since otherwise the induction property would imply that C=ℕ. Because c+1∉C, there is a number a0 of the set A such that a0<c+1. On the other , we must have c≤a0. Consequently, c=a0 and therefore
a0=c≤a∀a∈A. |
Hence, A has the least number a0. Q.E.D.
Title | natural numbers are well-ordered |
Canonical name | NaturalNumbersAreWellordered |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 19:02:36 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 19:02:36 |
Owner | pahio (2872) |
Last modified by | pahio (2872) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | pahio (2872) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 03E10 |
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