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ODE types reductible to the variables separable case

There are certain of non-linear ordinary differential equationsMathworldPlanetmath of first order ( which may by a suitable substitution be to a form where one can separate ( the variables.

This means the equation of the form


where X and Y are two homogeneous functions of the same degree (  Therefore, if the equation is written as


its right hand side is a homogeneous function of degree 0, i.e. it depends only on the ratio y:x, and has thus the form

dydx=f(yx). (1)

Accordingly, if this ratio is constant, then also dydx is constant; thus all lines   yx= constant  are isoclines of the family of the integral curves which intersect any such line isogonally.

We can infer as well, that if one integral curve is represented by  x=x(t),  y=y(t),  then also  x=Cx(t),  y=Cy(t)  an integral curve for any constant C.  Hence the integral curves are homotheticMathworldPlanetmath with respect to the origin; therefore some people call the equation (1) a similarity equation.

For generally solving the equation (1), make the substitution


The equation takes the form

t+xdtdx=f(t) (2)

which shows that any root ( tν of the equality  f(t)=t  gives a singular solutiony=tνx. The variables in (2) may be :


Thus one obtains  ln|x|=dtf(t)-t+lnC, whence the general solution of the homogeneous differential equation (1) is in a parametric form


II.  Equation of the form  y= f(ax+by+c)

It’s a question of the equation

dydx=f(ax+by+c), (3)

where a, b and c are given constants.  If  ax+by is constant, then dydx is constant, and we see that the lines  ax+by= constant  are isoclines of the intgral curves of (3).


ax+by+c:=u (4)

be a new variable.  It changes the equation (3) to

dudx=a+bf(u). (5)

Here, one can see that the real zeros u of the right hand side yield lines (4) which are integral curves of (3), and thus we have singular solutions.  Moreover, one can separate the variables in (5) and integrate, obtaining x as a function of u.  Using still (4) gives also y.  The general solution is


Example.  In the nonlinear equation


which is of the type II, one cannot separate the variables x and y.  The substitution  x-y:=u  converts it to


where one can separate the variables.  Since the right hand side has the zeros  u=±1,  the given equation has the singular solutions y given by  x-y=±1.  Separating the variables x and u, one obtains




Accordingly, the given differential equation has the parametric solution



  • 1 E. Lindelöf: Differentiali- ja integralilasku III 1.  Mercatorin Kirjapaino Osakeyhtiö, Helsinki (1935).
Title ODE types reductible to the variables separable case
Canonical name ODETypesReductibleToTheVariablesSeparableCase
Date of creation 2013-03-22 18:06:36
Last modified on 2013-03-22 18:06:36
Owner pahio (2872)
Last modified by pahio (2872)
Numerical id 13
Author pahio (2872)
Entry type Topic
Classification msc 34A09
Classification msc 34A05
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