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parent node (in a tree)



A parent node P of a node C in a tree is the first node which lies along the path from C to the root of the tree, R.

Drawn in the canonical root-at-top manner, the parent node of a node C in a tree is simply the node immediately above C which is connected to it.


Figure: A node (blue) and its parent (red.)

Title parent node (in a tree)
Canonical name ParentNodeinATree
Date of creation 2013-03-22 12:30:32
Last modified on 2013-03-22 12:30:32
Owner akrowne (2)
Last modified by akrowne (2)
Numerical id 5
Author akrowne (2)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 05C05
Synonym parent node
Synonym parent
Related topic ChildNodeOfATree