partial fractions for polynomials
This entry precisely states and proves
the existence and uniqueness of partial fraction decompositions
of ratios of polynomials of a single variable
, with coefficients over a field.
The theory is used for, for example, the method of partial fraction decomposition for integrating rational functions over the reals (
The proofs involve fairly elementary algebra only. Although we refer to Euclidean domains in our proofs, the reader who is not familiar with abstract algebra may simply read that as “set of polynomials” (which is one particular Euclidean domain).
Also note that the proofs themselves furnish a method for actually computing
the partial fraction decomposition, as a finite-time algorithm,
provided the irreducible factorization of the denominator is known.
It is not an efficient way to find the partial fraction decomposition; usually
one uses instead the method of making substitutions into the polynomials,
to derive linear constraints on the coefficients.
But what is important is that the existence proofs here
justify the substitution method. The uniqueness property proved here
might also simplify some calculations: it shows that we never have
to consider multiple
solutions for the coefficients in the decomposition.
Theorem 1.
Let p and q≠0 be polynomials over a field, and n be any positive integer. Then there exist unique polynomials α1,…,αn,β such that
pqn=β+α1q+α2q2+⋯+αnqn,degαj<degq. | (1) |
Existence has already been proven as a special case of partial fractions in Euclidean domains; we now prove uniqueness. Suppose equation (1) has been given. Multiplying by qn and rearranging,
p=βqn+r1,r1=α1qn-1+⋯+αn,degr1<degqn. |
But according to the division algorithm for polynomials (also known as long division), the quotient
and remainder polynomial
after a division (by qn in this case) are unique.
So β must be uniquely determined.
Then we can rearrange:
p-βqn=α1qn-1+r2,r2=α2qn-2+⋯+αn,degr2<degqn-1. |
By uniqueness of division again (by qn-1), α1 is determined. Repeating this process, we see that all the polynomials αj and β are uniquely determined. ∎
Theorem 2.
Let p and q≠0 be polynomials over a field. Let q=ϕn11ϕn22⋯ϕnkk be the factorization of q to irreducible factors ϕi (which is unique except for the ordering and constant factors). Then there exist unique polynomials αij,β such that
pq=β+k∑i=1ni∑j=1αijϕji,degαij<degϕi. | (2) |
Existence has already been proven as a special case of partial fractions in Euclidean domains; we now prove uniqueness. Suppose equation (2) has been given. First, multiply the equation by q:
p=βq+∑i,jαijqϕji. |
The polynomial sum on the far right of this equation has degree <q, because each summand has degree deg(αijq/ϕji)<degϕi+degq-j⋅degϕi≤degq. So the polynomial sum is the remainder of a division of p by q. Then the quotient polynomial β is uniquely determined.
Now suppose si and s′i are polynomials of degree <ϕnii, such that
k∑i=1siϕnii=k∑i=1s′iϕnii. | (3) |
We claim that si=s′i. Let q1=ϕn11 and q2=q/q1, and write
s1q1+uq2=k∑i=1siϕnii=k∑i=1s′iϕnii=s′1q1+u′q2, |
for some polynomials u and u′. Rearranging, we get:
(s1-s′1)q2=(u′-u)q1. |
In particular, q1 divides the left side.
Since q1=ϕn11 is relatively prime from q2, it must divide
the factor (s1-s′1). But deg(s1-s′1)<degq1,
hence s1-s′1 must be the zero polynomial. That is, s1=s′1.
So we can cancel the term s1/ϕn11=s′1/ϕn11 on both sides of equation (3). And we could repeat the argument, and show that s2 and s′2 are the same, s3 and s′3 are the same, and so on. Therefore, we have shown that the polynomials si in the following expression
pq-β=k∑i=1siϕnii,degsi<degϕnii |
are unique. In particular, si is the following numerator that results when the fractions αij/ϕji are put under a common denominator ϕini:
si=ni∑j=1αijϕni-ji. |
But by the uniqueness part of Theorem 1, the decomposition
siϕnii=βi+ni∑j=1αijϕji,degαij<degϕi |
uniquely determines αij. (Note that the proof of Theorem 1 shows that βi=0, as degsi<degϕnii.) ∎
Title | partial fractions for polynomials |
Canonical name | PartialFractionsForPolynomials |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:40:22 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:40:22 |
Owner | stevecheng (10074) |
Last modified by | stevecheng (10074) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | stevecheng (10074) |
Entry type | Result |
Classification | msc 12E05 |
Synonym | partial fraction decomposition of rational functions |
Synonym | partial fractions for rational functions |
Related topic | PartialFractionsOfExpressions |
Related topic | ALectureOnThePartialFractionDecompositionMethod |