pentadiagonal matrix

An n×n pentadiagonal matrix (with n3) is a matrix of the form


It follows that a pentadiagonal matrix is determined by five vectors: one n-vector c=(c1,,cn), two (n-1)-vectors b=(b1,,bn-1) and d=(d1,,dn-1), and two (n-2)-vectors a=(a1,,an-2) and e=(e1,,en-2). It follows that a pentadiagonal matrix is completely determined by n+2(n-1)+2(n-2)=5n-6 scalars.

Title pentadiagonal matrix
Canonical name PentadiagonalMatrix
Date of creation 2013-03-22 13:23:23
Last modified on 2013-03-22 13:23:23
Owner drini (3)
Last modified by drini (3)
Numerical id 6
Author drini (3)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 15-00
Classification msc 65-00
Synonym penta-diagonal matrix
Related topic TridiagonalMatrix