polynomial equation with algebraic coefficients
If α1,…,αk are algebraic numbers [resp. algebraic integers
] and
f1(α1,…,αk),…,fn(α1,…,αk) |
polynomials in α1,…,αk with rational [resp. integer] coefficients, then all complex roots
of the equation
xn+f1(α1,…,αk)xn-1+…+fn(α1,…,αk)= 0 | (1) |
are algebraic numbers [resp. algebraic integers].
Proof. Let the minimal polynomial xm+a1xm-1+…+am of α1 over ℤ have the zeros (http://planetmath.org/ZeroOfAFunction)
α(1)1=α1,α(2)1,…,α(m)1 |
and denote by F(x;α1,α2,…,αk) the left hand side of the equation (1). Consider the equation
G(x;α2,…,αk):= | (2) |
Here, the coefficients of the polynomial are polynomials in the numbers
with rational [resp. integer] coefficients. Thus the coefficients of are symmetric polynomials in the numbers :
By the fundamental theorem of symmetric polynomials, the coefficients of are polynomials in with rational [resp. integer] coefficients. Consequently, has the form
where the coefficients are polynoms in the numbers with rational [resp. integer] coefficients. As one continues similarly, removing one by one also which go back to the rational [resp. integer] coefficients of the corresponding minimal polynomials, one shall finally arrive at an equation
(3) |
among the roots of which there are the roots of (1); the coefficients do no more explicitely depend on the algebraic numbers but are rational numbers [resp. integers].
Accordingly, the roots of (1) are algebraic numbers [resp. algebraic integers], Q.E.D.
Title | polynomial equation with algebraic coefficients |
Canonical name | PolynomialEquationWithAlgebraicCoefficients |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 19:07:37 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 19:07:37 |
Owner | pahio (2872) |
Last modified by | pahio (2872) |
Numerical id | 10 |
Author | pahio (2872) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 11R04 |
Synonym | monic equation with algebraic coefficients |