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prime element is irreducible in integral domain


Let D be an integral domain, and let aD be a prime element. Assume a=bc for some b,cD.

Clearly abc, so since a is prime, ab or ac. Without loss of generality, assume ab, and say at=b for some tD.

If 1 is the unity of D, then


Since D is an integral domain, b can be cancelled, giving 1=ct, so c is a unit. ∎

Title prime element is irreducible in integral domain
Canonical name PrimeElementIsIrreducibleInIntegralDomain
Date of creation 2013-03-22 17:15:29
Last modified on 2013-03-22 17:15:29
Owner me_and (17092)
Last modified by me_and (17092)
Numerical id 7
Author me_and (17092)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 13G05
Related topic IrreducibleOfAUFDIsPrime