proof of Borel functional calculus
In this entry we give a proof of the main result about the Borel functional calculus ( 1 on the parent entry). We will restate here the result for convenience. Please, check the parent entry for the details on notation.
Theorem - Let T be a normal operator in B(H) and π:C(σ(T))⟶B(H) the unital *-homomorphism corresponding to the continuous functional calculus for T. Then, π extends uniquely to a *-homomorphism ˜π:B(σ(T))⟶B(H) that is continuous
from the μ-topology
to the weak operator topology. Moreover, each operator
π(f) lies in strong operator ( closure
of the unital *-algebra generated by T.
Proof : First we shall prove the existence of the extension ( ˜π with the described continuity property, then we shall prove its uniqueness and for last we shall prove the last assertion of the theorem about the image of ˜π. For simplicity the proofs of some auxiliary results are given at the end of the entry
0.0.1 Existence
For each pair of vectors ξ,η∈H consider the linear functional ϕξ,η:C(σ(T))→ℂ given by
ϕξ,η(f):= |
This linear functional is bounded with norm at most because
where the last equality comes from the fact that is a *-isomorphism between -algebras (, therefore having norm 1 (see this entry (
By the Riesz representation theorem ( there is a unique complex Radon measure
in such that
(1) |
Consider now the mapping . This mapping has the following properties, whoose proofs are given at the end of the entry (section Auxiliary Results):
a) , for all .
b) , for all .
c) .
d) , for all .
Therefore, for each function we have a sesquilinear form in given by
Moreover, this sesquilinear form is bounded ( with norm at most . By the Riesz lemma on bounded sesquilinear forms, there is a unique operator such that
We will now see that the mapping , such that , has the desired properties stated in the theorem.
First, it is clear that is linear. Also clear is the fact that coincides with in , because of equality (1) and the uniqueness part of Riesz lemma on sesquilinear forms. Now, for any real valued function we have that
which means that , i.e. is self-adjoint. Decomposing an arbitrary function in its real and imaginary parts we see that .
We now show that is multiplicative, i.e. for all . For that we need an additional property of the measures , whoose proof is also at the end of the entry:
e) , for all .
Given we have, for every ,
and therefore . Thus, is a *-homomorphism that extends .
0.0.2 Continuity Property
We now prove that the above defined is continuous from the -topology to the weak operator topology.
Let be a net of functions in that converge in the -topology to a function . This means that for all Radon measures in we have .
Now for all we have
Hence, converges to in the weak operator topology.
0.0.3 Uniqueness
Let be another *-homomorphism that extends and is continuous from the -topology to the weak operator topology. For any measurable subset consider the set
We give this set the partial order such that whenever and . For any pair there is a continuous function such that takes values on the interval , and (see this entry (
We claim that converges to in the -topology. In fact, given a complex Radon measure in , there is for every a pair such that . Of course, for all pairs such that we also have . Hence, we have
We conclude that converges to in the -topology.
Since is continuous from the -topology to the weak operator topology we must have
But since and coincide with on we also have
Hence, for any characteristic function we have . Since any function can be uniformly approximated by simple functions
it follows that , and we have proved the uniqueness of .
0.0.4 Image of
Let be the unital *-algebra generated by . We now prove that for any , the operator lies in the strong operator closure of , i.e. lies in the von Neumann algebra generated by . For that it is enough to prove that is in the double commutant of .
Recall from the continuous functional calculus that is in the norm closure of , and hence in , for every .
We have seen above that for each characteristic function there is a net of functions in such that in the weak operator topology. Given an element in the commutant of we have
The first term converges to , whereas the second to . Thus, , and therefore .
Since every function can be uniformly approximated by simple functions, it follows that .
0.0.5 Auxiliary Results
In this section we prove the properties of the measures stated and used above.
a) For all functions we have . Hence,
Since this holds for every , the uniqueness part of tells us that
b) The proof is similar
to a).
c) For every we have
Hence we conclude that .
d) For every we have
Hence, .
e) For all we have
Hence, .
Title | proof of Borel functional calculus |
Canonical name | ProofOfBorelFunctionalCalculus |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:50:26 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:50:26 |
Owner | asteroid (17536) |
Last modified by | asteroid (17536) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | asteroid (17536) |
Entry type | Proof |
Classification | msc 47A60 |
Classification | msc 46L10 |
Classification | msc 46H30 |