proof of countable unions and intersections of analytic sets are analytic

Let (X,) be a paved space and (An)n be a sequencePlanetmathPlanetmath of -analytic setsMathworldPlanetmath ( We show that their union and intersectionMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath is also analytic.

From the definition of -analytic sets, there exist compact paved spaces (Kn,𝒦n) and Sn(×𝒦n)σδ such that

An={xX:(x,y)Sn for some yKn}.

We start by showing that nAn is analytic. Let K=nKn and 𝒦=n𝒦n be the product paving, and πn:KKn be the projection map. Then xnAn if and only if for each n there is a ynKn with (x,yn)Sn. Equivalently, setting y=(y1,y2,), then (x,y)nπn-1(Sn). However, this is in (×𝒦n)σδ and we can write,


where πX:X×KX is the projection map. As products of compact pavings are compact, (K,𝒦) is compact and it follows from the definition that nAn is -analytic.

We now show that nAn is analytic. Let K=nKn and 𝒦=n𝒦n be the direct sumMathworldPlanetmath paving, which is compact ( Also, write Sn=m=1Tm,n for Tm,n(×𝒦n)σ. We identify Kn with a subset of K, so that K is the union of the disjoint sets Kn. Then xnAn if and only if (x,y)Sn for some n and some yK,


However, the fact that Kn1,Kn2 are disjoint for n1n2 says that Tm,n1,Tm,n2 are disjoint and, therefore,


So nAn is -analytic.

Title proof of countable unions and intersections of analytic sets are analytic
Canonical name ProofOfCountableUnionsAndIntersectionsOfAnalyticSetsAreAnalytic
Date of creation 2013-03-22 18:46:19
Last modified on 2013-03-22 18:46:19
Owner gel (22282)
Last modified by gel (22282)
Numerical id 4
Author gel (22282)
Entry type Proof
Classification msc 28A05