proof of dominated convergence theorem
Define the functions h+n and h-n as follows:
These suprema and infima exist because, for every , . These functions enjoy the following properties:
For every ,
The sequence is decreasing and the sequence is increasing.
For every ,
Each is measurable.
The first property follows from immediately from the definition of
supremum. The second property follows from the fact that the
supremum or infimum is being taken over a larger set to define
than to define when . The third
property is a simple consequence of the fact that, for any sequence
of real numbers, if the sequence converges
, then the sequence has an
upper limit
and a lower limit which equal each other and equal the
limit. As for the fourth statement, it means that, for every real
number and every integer , the sets
are measurable. However, by the definition of , these sets can be expressed as
respectively. Since each is assumed to be measurable, each set
in either union is measurable. Since the union of a countable
number of measurable sets
is itself measurable, these unions are
measurable, and hence the functions are measurable.
Because of properties 1 and 4 above and the assumption that is
integrable, it follows that each is integrable. This
and property 2 mean that the monotone convergence theorem
is applicable so one can conclude that is integrable and that
By property 3, the right hand side equals .
By construction, and hence
Because the outer two terms in the above inequality tend towards the
same limit as , the middle term is squeezed into
converging to the same limit. Hence
Title | proof of dominated convergence theorem |
Canonical name | ProofOfDominatedConvergenceTheorem1 |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:33:58 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:33:58 |
Owner | rspuzio (6075) |
Last modified by | rspuzio (6075) |
Numerical id | 5 |
Author | rspuzio (6075) |
Entry type | Proof |
Classification | msc 28A20 |
Related topic | ProofOfDominatedConvergenceTheorem |