proof of finite extensions of Dedekind domains are Dedekind

Let R be a Dedekind domainMathworldPlanetmath with field of fractionsMathworldPlanetmath K. If L/K is a finite extensionMathworldPlanetmath of fields and A is the integral closureMathworldPlanetmath of R in L, then we show that A is also a Dedekind domain.

We procede by splitting the proof up into the separable and purely inseparable cases. Letting F consist of all elements of L which are separable over K, then F/K is a separable extension and L/F is a purely inseparable extension.

First, the integral closure B of R in F is a Dedekind domain (see proof of finite separable extensions of Dedekind domains are Dedekind). Then, as A is integrally closedMathworldPlanetmath and contains B, it is equal to the integral closure of B in L and, therefore, is a Dedekind domain (see proof of finite inseparable extensions of Dedekind domains are Dedekind).

Title proof of finite extensions of Dedekind domains are Dedekind
Canonical name ProofOfFiniteExtensionsOfDedekindDomainsAreDedekind
Date of creation 2013-03-22 18:35:44
Last modified on 2013-03-22 18:35:44
Owner gel (22282)
Last modified by gel (22282)
Numerical id 4
Author gel (22282)
Entry type Proof
Classification msc 13A15
Classification msc 13F05