proof of first isomorphism theorem
The proof consist of several parts which we will give for completeness. Let K denote kerf. The following calculation validates that for every g∈G and k∈K:
f(gkg-1)=f(g)f(k)f(g)-1(f is an homomorphism)=f(g) 1Hf(g)-1(definition of K)=1H |
Hence, gkg-1 is in K. Therefore, K is a normal subgroup
of G and G/K is well-defined.
To prove the theorem we will define a map from G/K to the image
of f and show that it is a function, a homomorphism
and finally
an isomorphism
Let θ:G/K→Imf be a map that sends the coset gK to f(g).
Since θ is defined on representatives we need to show that
it is well defined. So, let g1 and g2 be two elements of G
that belong to the same coset (i.e. g1K=g2K). Then,
g-11g2 is an element of K and therefore
f(g-11g2)=1 (because K is the kernel of G). Now, the
rules of homomorphism show that f(g1)-1f(g2)=1 and that is
equivalent to f(g1)=f(g2) which implies the equality
Next we verify that θ is a homomorphism. Take two cosets g1K and g2K, then:
θ(g1K⋅g2K)=θ(g1g2K)(operation in G/K)=f(g1g2)(definition of θ)=f(g1)f(g2)(f is an homomorphism)=θ(g1K)θ(g2K)(definition of θ) |
Finally, we show that θ is an isomorphism (i.e. a
bijection). The kernel of θ consists of all cosets gK in
G/K such that f(g)=1 but these are exactly the elements g
that belong to K so only the coset K is in the kernel of
θ which implies that θ is an injection. Let h
be an element of Imf and g its pre-image. Then,
θ(gK) equals f(g) thus θ(gK)=h and therefore
θ is surjective.
The theorem is proved. Some version of the theorem also states that
the following diagram is commutative:
\xymatrixG\ar[rd]f\ar[r]π&G/K\ar[d]θ&H |
were π is the natural projection that takes g∈G to gK.
We will conclude by verifying this. Take g in G then,
θ(π(g))=θ(gK)=f(g) as needed.
Title | proof of first isomorphism theorem |
Canonical name | ProofOfFirstIsomorphismTheorem |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:39:19 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:39:19 |
Owner | uriw (288) |
Last modified by | uriw (288) |
Numerical id | 9 |
Author | uriw (288) |
Entry type | Proof |
Classification | msc 20A05 |