proof of Martingale criterion (continuous time)
1. Let X be a martingale. By the optional sampling theorem
we have E(Xc|ℱτ)=Xc∧τ=Xτ∀τ≤c. Since conditional expectations are uniformly integrable the first direction follows.
2. Let (τk)k≥1 be a local sequence of stopping times (i.e. τk↑∞ a.s. and Xτk martingale ∀k∈ℕ). For each t∈ℝ+ we have Xτk∧t→Xt,k→∞ almost surely. The set
{Xτk∧t:k∈ℕ} | ⊂{Xτ:τstopping time,τ≤c} |
is uniformly integrable (take c=t). It follows that Xτktℒ1⟶Xt,k→∞. Since the martingale property is stable under ℒ1 convergence, X is a martingale. ∎
Title | proof of Martingale criterion (continuous time) |
Canonical name | ProofOfMartingaleCriterioncontinuousTime |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:54:28 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:54:28 |
Owner | karstenb (16623) |
Last modified by | karstenb (16623) |
Numerical id | 4 |
Author | karstenb (16623) |
Entry type | Proof |
Classification | msc 60G07 |
Classification | msc 60G48 |