Martingales definition
Definition. Let (Ξ©,β±,(β±t)tβπ,β) be a filtered probability space and (Xt) be a stochastic process such that Xt is integrable ( for all tβπ. Then, X=(Xt,β±t) is called a submartingale if
πΌβ[Xt|β±s]β₯Xs,for every s<t, a.e.[β], |
and a supermartigale if
πΌβ[Xt|β±s]β€Xs,for every s<t, a.e.[β]. |
A submartingale that is also a supermartingale is called a martingale, i.e., a martingale satisfies
πΌβ[Xt|β±s]=Xs,for every s<t, a.e.[β]. |
Similarly, if the {β±t} form a decreasing collection of Ο-subalgebras of β±, then X is called a reverse submartingale if
πΌβ[Xs|β±t]β₯Xt,for every s<t, a.e.[β], |
and a reverse supermartingale if
πΌβ[Xs|β±t]β€Xt,for every s<t, a.e.[β]. |
The martingale property captures the idea of a fair bet, where the expected future value is equal to the current value.
The submartingale property is equivalent
β«AXtπββ₯β«AXsπβfor every Aββ±s and s<t and similarly for the other definitions. This is immediate from the definition of conditional expectation.
Title | martingale |
Canonical name | Martingale |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:33:09 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:33:09 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 25 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 60G46 |
Classification | msc 60G44 |
Classification | msc 60G42 |
Related topic | LocalMartingale |
Related topic | DoobsOptionalSamplingTheorem |
Related topic | ConditionalExpectationUnderChangeOfMeasure |
Related topic | MartingaleConvergenceTheorem |
Defines | martingale |
Defines | supermartingale |
Defines | submartingale |
Defines | reverse submartingale |
Defines | reverse supermartingale |