proof of Sobolev inequality for Ω=𝐑n
Step 1: u is smooth and p=1
First suppose u is a compactly supported smooth function, and let (ek)1≤k≤n denote a basis of 𝐑n. For every 1≤k≤n,
u(x)=∫0-∞∂u∂xk(x+sek)𝑑s. |
|u(x)|≤Sk(x):=∫𝐑|∂u∂xk(x1,…,xk-1,s,xk+1,…,xn)|𝑑s. |
Note that Sk does not depend on xk. One also has
|u(x)|n/(n-1)≤n∏k=1|Sk(x)|1/(n-1). |
The integration of this inequality yields,
∫𝐑n|u(x)|n/(n-1)𝑑x≤∫𝐑nn∏k=1|Sk(x)|1/(n-1)dx. |
Since S1 does not depend on xk, we can apply the generalized Hölder inequality with n-1 for the integration with respect to x1 in order to obtain:
∫𝐑n|u(x)|n/(n-1)𝑑x≤∫𝐑n-1S1(x)n∏k=2(∫𝐑Sk(x)𝑑x1)1/(n-1)dx1…dxn. |
The repetition of this process for the variables x2,…,xn gives
∫𝐑n|u(x)|n/(n-1)𝑑x≤n∏k=1(∫𝐑n|∂u∂xk|𝑑x)1/(n-1). |
By the arithmetic-geometric means inequality, one obtains
∫𝐑n|u(x)|n/(n-1)𝑑x≤n-n/(n-1)(n∑k=1(∫𝐑n|∂u∂xk|𝑑x))n/(n-1). |
One finally concludes
∥u∥Ln/(n-1)≤n1/2-n/(n-1)∥∇u∥Ln/(n-1). |
Step 2: general u and p=1
In general if u∈W1,1(𝐑n). It can be approximated by a sequence of compactly supported smooth functions (um). By step 1, one has
∥um-uℓ∥Ln/(n-1)≤n1/2-n/(n-1)∥∇um-∇uℓ∥L1. |
therefore (um) is a Cauchy sequence in Ln/(n-1)(𝐑n). Since it converges to u in L1(𝐑n), the limit of (um) is u in Ln/(n-1)(𝐑n) and one has
∥u∥Ln/(n-1)≤n1/2-n/(n-1)∥∇u∥Ln/(n-1). |
Step 3: 1<p<n and u is smooth
Suppose 1<p<n and u is a smooth compactly supported function. Let
r=p(n-1)n-p |
v=|u|r. |
Since u is smooth, v∈W1,1 (It is however not necessarily smooth), and its weak derivative is
∇v=ru|u|r-2∇u. |
One has, by the Hölder inequality,
∥∇v∥L1(𝐑N)≤r∥|u|r∥Lp/p-1(𝐑N)∥∇u∥Lp(𝐑N)=r∥u∥r-1Lnp/(n-p)(𝐑N)∥∇u∥Lp(𝐑N) |
Therefore, the Sobolev inequality yields
∥u∥rLnp/(n-p)(𝐑N)=∥v∥Ln/(n-1)(𝐑N)≤rn1/2-n/(n-1)∥u∥r-1Lnp/(n-p)(𝐑N)∥∇u∥Lp(𝐑N). |
This yields
∥u∥Lnp/(n-p)(𝐑N)≤n1/2-n/(n-1)p(n-1)n-p∥∇u∥Lp(𝐑N). |
Step 4: 1<p<n and u∈W1,p
This is done as step 2.
- 1 Haïm Brezis, Analyse fonctionnelle, Théorie et applications, Mathématiques appliquées pour la maîtrise, Masson, Paris, 1983.[MR85a:46001]
Jürgen Jost, Partial Differential Equations
, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer, 2002,[MR:2003f:35002].
- 3 Michel Willem, Analyse fonctinnelle élémentaire, Cassini, Paris, 2003.
Title | proof of Sobolev inequality for Ω=𝐑n |
Canonical name | ProofOfSobolevInequalityForOmegamathbfRn |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:05:22 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:05:22 |
Owner | vanschaf (8061) |
Last modified by | vanschaf (8061) |
Numerical id | 14 |
Author | vanschaf (8061) |
Entry type | Proof |
Classification | msc 46E35 |