From the definition of convergence , for every ϵ>0 there is N(ϵ)∈ℕ such that (∀)n≥N(ϵ) , we have :
Because bn is strictly increasing
we can multiply the last equation with bn+1-bn to get :
(l-ϵ)(bn+1-bn)<an+1-an<(l+ϵ)(bn+1-bn) |
Let k>N(ϵ) be a natural number
. Summing the last relation
we get :
(l-ϵ)k∑i=N(ϵ)(bi+1-bi)<k∑i=N(ϵ)(an+1-an)<(l+ϵ)k∑i=N(ϵ)(bi+1-bi)⇒ |
(l-ϵ)(bk+1-bN(ϵ))<ak+1-aN(ϵ)<(l+ϵ)(bk+1-bN(ϵ)) |
Divide the last relation by bk+1>0 to get :
(l-ϵ)(1-bN(ϵ)bk+1)<ak+1bk+1-aN(ϵ)bk+1<(l+ϵ)(1-bN(ϵ)bk+1)⇔ |
(l-ϵ)(1-bN(ϵ)bk+1)+aN(ϵ)bk+1<ak+1bk+1<(l+ϵ)(1-bN(ϵ)bk+1)+aN(ϵ)bk+1 |
This means that there is some K such that for k≥K we have :
(since the other terms who were left out converge
to 0)