proof of Urysohn’s lemma
First we construct a family Up of open sets of X indexed by the
rationals such that if p<q, then ¯Up⊆Uq. These
are the sets we will use to define our continuous function.
Let P=ℚ∩[0,1]. Since P is countable, we can use
(or recursive definition if you prefer) to define the sets
Up. List the elements of P is an infinite
sequence in some way;
let us assume that 1 and 0 are the first two elements of this
sequence. Now, define U1=X\D (the complement of D in
X). Since C is a closed set
of X contained in U1, by
of X we can choose an open set U0 such that C⊆U0 and ¯U0⊆U1.
In general, let Pn denote the set consisting of the first n rationals in our sequence. Suppose that Up is defined for all p∈Pn and
ifp<q,then¯Up⊆Uq. | (1) |
Let r be the next rational number in the sequence. Consider Pn+1=Pn∪{r}. It is a finite subset of [0,1] so it inherits
the usual ordering < of ℝ. In such a set, every element
(other than the smallest or largest) has an immediate predecessor and
successor. We know that 0 is the smallest element and 1 the
largest of Pn+1 so r cannot be either of these. Thus r has
an immediate predecessor p and an immediate successor q in
Pn+1. The sets Up and Uq are already defined by the
inductive hypothesis so using the normality of X, there exists an
open set Ur of X such that
¯Up⊆Urand¯Ur⊆Uq. |
We now show that (1) holds for every pair of elements in Pn+1. If both elements are in Pn, then (1) is true by the inductive hypothesis. If one is r and the other s∈Pn, then if s≤p we have
¯Us⊆¯Up⊆Ur |
and if s≥q we have
¯Ur⊆Uq⊆Us. |
Thus (1) holds for ever pair of elements in Pn+1 and therefore by induction, Up is defined for all p∈P.
We have defined Up for all rationals in [0,1]. Extend this definition to every rational p∈ℝ by defining
Up=∅ifp<0Up=Xifp>1. |
Then it is easy to check that (1) still holds.
Now, given x∈X, define ℚ(x)={p:x∈Up}. This
set contains no number less than 0 and contains every number greater
than 1 by the definition of Up for p<0 and p>1. Thus
ℚ(x) is bounded below and its infimum is an element in
[0,1]. Define
f(x)=infℚ(x). |
Finally we show that this function f we have defined satisfies the conditions of lemma. If x∈C, then x∈Up for all p≥0 so ℚ(x) equals the set of all nonnegative rationals and f(x)=0. If x∈D, then x∉Up for p≤1 so ℚ(x) equals all the rationals greater than 1 and f(x)=1.
To show that f is continuous, we first prove two smaller results:
(a) x∈¯Ur⇒f(x)≤r
Proof. If x∈¯Ur, then x∈Us for all s>r so ℚ(x) contains all rationals greater than r. Thus f(x)≤r by definition of f.
(b) x∉Ur⇒f(x)≥r.
Proof. If x∉Ur, then x∉Us for all s<r so ℚ(x) contains no rational less than r. Thus f(x)≥r.
Let x0∈X and let (c,d) be an open interval of ℝ
containing f(x). We will find a neighborhood U of x0 such that
f(U)⊆(c,d). Choose p,q∈ℚ such that
c<p<f(x0)<q<d. |
Let U=Uq\¯Up. Then since f(x0)<q, (b) implies that x∈Uq and since f(x0)>p, (a) implies that x0∉¯Up. Hence x0∈U.
Finally, let x∈U. Then x∈Uq⊆¯Uq, so f(x)≤q by (a). Also, x∉¯Up so x∉Up and f(x)≥p by (b). Thus
f(x)∈[p,q]⊆(c,d) |
as desired. Therefore f is continuous and we are done.
Title | proof of Urysohn’s lemma |
Canonical name | ProofOfUrysohnsLemma |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:09:23 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:09:23 |
Owner | scanez (1021) |
Last modified by | scanez (1021) |
Numerical id | 4 |
Author | scanez (1021) |
Entry type | Proof |
Classification | msc 54D15 |