proof that forcing notions are equivalent to their composition

This is a long and complicated proof, the more so because the meaning of Q shifts depending on what generic subset of P is being used. It is therefore broken into a number of steps. The core of the proof is to prove that, given any generic subset G of P and a generic subset H of Q^⁒[G] there is a corresponding generic subset G*H of P*Q such that 𝔐⁒[G]⁒[H]=𝔐⁒[G*H], and conversely, given any generic subset G of P*Q we can find some generic GP of P and a generic GQ of Q^⁒[GP] such that 𝔐⁒[GP]⁒[GQ]=𝔐⁒[G].

We do this by constructing functions using operationsMathworldPlanetmath which can be performed within the forced universesPlanetmathPlanetmath so that, for example, since 𝔐⁒[G]⁒[H] has both G and H, G*H can be calculated, proving that it contains 𝔐⁒[G*H]. To ensure equality, we will also have to ensure that our operations are inversesPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath; that is, given G, GP*GH=G and given G and H, (G*H)P=P and (G*H)Q=H.

The remainder of the proof merely defines the precise operations, proves that they give generic sets, and proves that they are inverses.

Before beginning, we prove a lemma which comes up several times:

Lemma: If G is generic in P and D is dense above some p∈G then G∩Dβ‰ βˆ…

Let Dβ€²={pβ€²βˆˆP∣pβ€²βˆˆD∨p′⁒ is incompatible with ⁒p}. This is dense, since if p0∈P then either p0 is incompatible with p, in which case p0∈Dβ€², or there is some p1 such that p1≀p,p0, and therefore there is some p2≀p1 such that p2∈D, and therefore p2≀p0. So G intersects Dβ€². But since a generic set is directed, no two elements are incompatible, so G must contain an element of Dβ€² which is not incompatible with p, so it must contain an element of D.

G*H is a generic filter

First, given generic subsets G and H of P and Q^⁒[G], we can define:


G*H is closed

Let ⟨p1,q^1⟩∈G*H and let ⟨p1,q^1βŸ©β‰€βŸ¨p2,q^2⟩. Then we can conclude p1∈G, p1≀p2, q^1⁒[G]∈H, and p1⊩q^1≀q^2, so p2∈G (since G is closed) and q^2⁒[G]∈H since p1∈G and p1 forces both q^1≀q^2 and that H is downward closed. So ⟨p2,q^2⟩∈G*H.

G*H is directed

Suppose ⟨p1,q^1⟩,⟨p1,q^1⟩∈G*H. So p1,p2∈G, and since G is directed, there is some p3≀p1,p2. Since q^1⁒[G],q^2⁒[G]∈H and H is directed, there is some q^3⁒[G]≀q^1⁒[G],q^2⁒[G]. Therefore there is some p4≀p3, p4∈G, such that p4⊩q^3≀q^1,q^2, so ⟨p4,q^3βŸ©β‰€βŸ¨p1,q^1⟩,⟨p1,q^1⟩ and ⟨p4,q^3⟩∈G*H.

G*H is generic

Suppose D is a dense subset of P*Q^. We can project it into a dense subset of Q using G:

DQ={q^⁒[G]∣⟨p,q^⟩∈D}⁒ for some ⁒p∈G

Lemma: DQ is dense in Q^⁒[G]

Given any q^0∈Q^, take any p0∈G. Then we can define yet another dense subset, this one in G:

Dq^0={p∣p≀p0∧p⊩q^≀q^0∧⟨p,q^⟩∈D}⁒ for some ⁒q^∈Q^

Lemma: Dq^0 is dense above p0 in P

Take any p∈P such that p≀p0. Then, since D is dense in P*Q^, we have some ⟨p1,q^1βŸ©β‰€βŸ¨p,q^0⟩ such that ⟨p1,q^1⟩∈D. Then by definition p1≀p and p1∈Dq^0.

From this lemma, we can conclude that there is some p1≀p0 such that p1∈G∩Dq^0, and therefore some q^1 such that p1⊩q^1≀q^0 where ⟨p1,q^1⟩∈D. So DQ is indeed dense in Q^⁒[G].

Since DQ is dense in Q^⁒[G], there is some q^ such that q^⁒[G]∈DQ∩H, and so some p∈G such that ⟨p,q^⟩∈D. But since p∈G and q^∈H, ⟨p,q^⟩∈G*H, so G*H is indeed generic.

GP is a generic filter

Given some generic subset G of P*Q^, let:

GP={p∈P∣p′≀p∧⟨pβ€²,q^⟩∈G}⁒ for some ⁒pβ€²βˆˆP⁒ and some ⁒q^∈Q

GP is closed

Take any p1∈GP and any p2 such that p1≀p2. Then there is some p′≀p1 satisfying the definition of GP, and also p′≀p2, so p2∈GP.

GP is directed

Consider p1,p2∈GP. Then there is some p1β€² and some q^1 such that ⟨p1β€²,q^1⟩∈G and some p2β€² and some q^2 such that ⟨p2β€²,q^2⟩∈G. Since G is directed, there is some ⟨p3,q^3⟩∈G such that ⟨p3,q^3βŸ©β‰€βŸ¨p1β€²,q^1⟩,⟨p2β€²,q^2⟩, and therefore p3∈GP, p3≀p1,p2.

GP is generic

Let D be a dense subset of P. Then Dβ€²={⟨p,q^⟩∣p∈D}. Clearly this is dense, since if ⟨p,q^⟩∈P*Q^ then there is some p′≀p such that pβ€²βˆˆD, so ⟨pβ€²,q^⟩∈Dβ€² and ⟨pβ€²,q^βŸ©β‰€βŸ¨p,q^⟩. So there is some ⟨p,q^⟩∈Dβ€²βˆ©G, and therefore p∈D∩GP. So GP is generic.

GQ is a generic filter

Given a generic subset GβŠ†P*Q^, define:

GQ={q^⁒[GP]∣⟨p,q^⟩∈G}⁒ for some ⁒p∈P

(Notice that GQ is dependant on GP, and is a subset of Q^⁒[GP], that is, the forcingMathworldPlanetmath notion inside 𝔐⁒[GP], as opposed to the set of names Q which we’ve been primarily working with.)

GQ is closed

Suppose q^1⁒[GP]∈GQ and q^1⁒[GP]≀q^2⁒[GP]. Then there is some p1∈GP such that p1⊩q^1≀q^2. Since p1∈GP, there is some p2≀p1 such that for some q^3, ⟨p2,q^3⟩∈G. By the definition of GQ, there is some p3 such that ⟨p3,q^1⟩∈G, and since G is directed, there is some ⟨p4,q^4⟩∈G and ⟨p4,q^4βŸ©β‰€βŸ¨p3,q^1⟩,⟨p2,q^3⟩. Since G is closed and ⟨p4,q^4βŸ©β‰€βŸ¨p4,q^2⟩, we have q^2⁒[GP]∈GQ.

GQ is directed

Suppose q^1⁒[GP],q^2⁒[GP]∈GQ. Then for some p1,p2, ⟨p1,q^1⟩,⟨p2,q^2⟩∈G, and since G is directed, there is some ⟨p3,q^3⟩∈G such that ⟨p3,q^3βŸ©β‰€βŸ¨p1,q^1⟩,⟨p2,q^2⟩. Then q^3⁒[GP]∈GQ and since p3∈G and p3⊩q^3≀q^1,q^2, we have q^3⁒[GP]≀q^1⁒[GP],q^2⁒[GP].

GQ is generic

Let D be a dense subset of Q⁒[GP] (in 𝔐⁒[GP]). Let D^ be a P-name for D, and let p1∈GP be a such that p1⊩D^ is dense. By the definition of GP, there is some p2≀p1 such that ⟨p2,q^2⟩∈G for some q2. Then Dβ€²={⟨p,q^⟩∣p⊩q^∈D∧p≀p2}.

Lemma: Dβ€² is dense (in G) above ⟨p2,q^2⟩

Take any ⟨p,q^⟩∈P*Q such that ⟨p,q^βŸ©β‰€βŸ¨p2,q^2⟩. Then p⊩D^ is dense, and therefore there is some q^3 such that p⊩q^3∈D^ and p⊩q^3≀q^. So ⟨p,q^3βŸ©β‰€βŸ¨p,q^⟩ and ⟨p,q^3⟩∈Dβ€².

Take any ⟨p3,q^3⟩∈Dβ€²βˆ©G. Then p3∈GP, so q^3∈D, and by the definition of GQ, q^3∈GQ.


If G is a generic subset of P*Q, observe that:

GP*GQ={⟨p,q^⟩∣p′≀p∧⟨pβ€²,q^β€²βŸ©βˆˆG∧⟨p0,q^⟩∈G}⁒ for some ⁒pβ€²,q^β€²,p0

If ⟨p,q^⟩∈G then obviously this holds, so GβŠ†GP*GQ. Conversely, if ⟨p,q^⟩∈GP*GQ then there exist pβ€²,q^β€² and p0 such that ⟨pβ€²,q^β€²βŸ©,⟨p0,q^⟩∈G, and since G is directed, some ⟨p1,q1^⟩∈G such that ⟨p1,q^1βŸ©β‰€βŸ¨pβ€²,q^β€²βŸ©,⟨p0,q^⟩. But then p1≀p and p1⊩q^1≀q^, and since G is closed, ⟨p,q^⟩∈G.


Assume that G is generic in P and H is generic in Q⁒[G].

Suppose p∈(G*H)P. Then there is some pβ€²βˆˆP and some q^∈Q such that p′≀p and ⟨pβ€²,q^⟩∈G*H. By the definition of G*H, pβ€²βˆˆG, and then since G is closed p∈G.

Conversely, suppose p∈G. Then (since H is non-trivial), ⟨p,q^⟩∈G*H for some q^, and therefore p∈(G*H)P.


Assume that G is generic in P and H is generic in Q⁒[G].

Given any q∈H, there is some q^∈Q such that q^⁒[G]=q, and so there is some p such that ⟨p,q^⟩∈G*H, and therefore q^⁒[G]∈H.

On the other hand, if q∈(G*H)Q then there is some ⟨p,q^⟩∈G*H, and therefore some q^⁒[G]∈H.

Title proof that forcing notions are equivalent to their composition
Canonical name ProofThatForcingNotionsAreEquivalentToTheirComposition
Date of creation 2013-03-22 12:54:26
Last modified on 2013-03-22 12:54:26
Owner Henry (455)
Last modified by Henry (455)
Numerical id 5
Author Henry (455)
Entry type Proof
Classification msc 03E40
Classification msc 03E35
Related topic EquivalenceOfForcingNotions