radical theory
Let 𝒳 represent a property which a ring may or may not have. This property may be anything at all: what is important is that for any ring R, the statement “R has property 𝒳” is either true or false.
We say that a ring which has the property 𝒳 is an 𝒳-ring. An ideal I of a ring R is called an 𝒳-ideal if, as a ring, it is an 𝒳-ring. (Note that this definition only makes sense if rings are not required to have identity elements; otherwise and ideal is not, in general, a ring. Rings are not required to have an identity element in radical theory.)
The property 𝒳 is a radical property if it satisfies:
The class of 𝒳-rings is closed under
homomorphic images
Every ring R has a largest 𝒳-ideal, which contains all other 𝒳-ideals of R. This ideal is written 𝒳(R).
The ideal 𝒳(R) is called the X-radical of R. A ring is called X-radical if 𝒳(R)=R, and is called X-semisimple
if 𝒳(R)=0.
If 𝒳 is a radical property, then the class of 𝒳-rings is also called the class of X-radical rings.
The class of 𝒳-radical rings is closed under ideal extensions. That is, if A is an ideal of R, and A and R/A are 𝒳-radical, then so is R.
Radical theory is the study of radical properties and their interrelations. There are several well-known radicals which are of independent interest in ring theory (See examples – to follow).
The class of all radicals is however very large. Indeed, it is possible to show that any partition of the class of simple rings into two classes ℛ and 𝒮 such that isomorphic
simple rings are in the same class, gives rise to a radical 𝒳 with the property that all rings in ℛ are 𝒳-radical and all rings in 𝒮 are 𝒳-semisimple. In fact, there are at least two distinct radicals for each such partition.
A radical 𝒳 is hereditary if every ideal of an 𝒳-radical ring is also 𝒳-radical.
A radical 𝒳 is supernilpotent if the class of 𝒳-rings contains all nilpotent rings.
1 Examples
Nil is a radical property. This property defines the nil radical, 𝒩.
Nilpotency is not a radical property.
Quasi-regularity is a radical property. The associated radical is the Jacobson radical, 𝒥.
Title | radical theory |
Canonical name | RadicalTheory |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:13:02 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:13:02 |
Owner | mclase (549) |
Last modified by | mclase (549) |
Numerical id | 10 |
Author | mclase (549) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 16N80 |
Related topic | JacobsonRadical |
Defines | radical |
Defines | radical property |
Defines | semisimple |
Defines | hereditary |
Defines | hereditary radical |
Defines | supernilpotent |
Defines | supernilpotent radical |