random graph (infinite)
Suppose we have some method M of generating sequences of letters from {p,q} so that at each generation the probability of obtaining p is x, a real number strictly between 0 and 1.
Let {ai:i<ω} be a set of vertices. For each i<ω , i≥1 we construct a graph Gi on the vertices a1,…,ai recursively.
G1 is the unique graph on one vertex.
For i>1 we must describe for any j<k≤i when aj and ak are joined.
If k<i then join aj and ak in Gi iff aj and ak are joined in Gi-1
If k=i then generate a letter l(j,k) with M. Join aj to ak iff l(j,k)=p.
Now let Γ be the graph on {ai:i<ω} so that for any n,m<ω, an is joined to am in Γ iff it is in some Gi.
Then we call Γ a random graph. Consider the following property which we shall call f-saturation:
Given any finite disjoint U and V, subsets of {ai:i<ω} there is some an∈{ai:i<ω}∖(U∪V) so that an is joined to every point of U and no points in V.
Proposition 1
A random graph has f-saturation with probability 1.
Proof: Let b1,b2,…,bn,… be an enumeration of {ai:i<ω}∖(U∪V). We say that bi is correctly joined to (U,V) iff it is joined to all the members of U and non of the members of V. Then the probability that bi is not correctly joined is (1-x|U|(1-x)|V|) which is some real number y strictly between 0 and 1. The probability that none of the first m are correctly joined is ym and the probability that none of the bis are correctly joined is limn→∞yn=0. Thus one of the bis is correctly joined.
Proposition 2
Any two countable graphs with f-saturation are isomorphic
Proof: This is via a back and forth argument. The property of f-saturation is exactly what is needed.
Thus although the system of generation of a random graph looked as though it could deliver many potentially different graphs, this is not the case. Thus we talk about the random graph.
The random graph can also be constructed as a Fraisse limit of all finite graphs, and in many other ways. It is homogeneous and universal
for the class of all countable graphs.
- 1 Paul Erdős and Alfréd Rényi. Asymmetric graphs. Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung., 14:295–315, 1963.
Title | random graph (infinite) |
Canonical name | RandomGraphinfinite |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:32:18 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:32:18 |
Owner | bbukh (348) |
Last modified by | bbukh (348) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | bbukh (348) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 03C52 |
Classification | msc 03C30 |
Classification | msc 03C15 |
Classification | msc 05C30 |
Related topic | ExampleOfUniversalStructure |
Related topic | Homogeneous4 |
Defines | random graph |