redundancy of two-sidedness in definition of group
In the definition of group, one usually supposes that there is a two-sided identity element and that
any element has a two-sided inverse
(cf. group (
The group may also be defined without the two-sidednesses:
A group is a pair of a non-empty set G and its associative binary operation
(x,y)↦xy such that
1) the operation has a right identity element e;
2) any element x of G has a right inverse x-1.
We have to show that the right identity e is also a left identity and that any right inverse is also a left inverse.
Let the above assumptions on G be true. If a-1 is the right
inverse of an arbitrary element a of G, the calculation
a-1a=a-1ae=a-1aa-1(a-1)-1=a-1e(a-1)-1=a-1(a-1)-1=e |
shows that it is also the left inverse of a. Using this result, we then can write
ea=(aa-1)a=a(a-1a)=ae=a, |
whence e is a left identity element, too.
Title | redundancy of two-sidedness in definition of group |
Canonical name | RedundancyOfTwosidednessInDefinitionOfGroup |
Date of creation | 2015-01-20 17:28:03 |
Last modified on | 2015-01-20 17:28:03 |
Owner | pahio (2872) |
Last modified by | pahio (2872) |
Numerical id | 3 |
Author | pahio (2872) |
Entry type | Definition |