regular map
A regular map ϕ:kn→km between affine spaces over an algebraically closed field is merely one given by polynomials. That is, there are m polynomials F1,…,Fm in n variables such that the map is given by ϕ(x1,…,xn)=(F1(x),…,Fm(x)) where x stands for the many components xi.
A regular map ϕ:V→W between affine varieties is one which is the restriction of a regular map between affine spaces. That is, if V⊂kn and W⊂km, then there is a regular map ψ:kn→km with ψ(V)⊂W and ϕ=ψ|V. So, this is a map given by polynomials, whose image lies in the intended target.
A regular map between algebraic varieties is a locally regular map. That is ϕ:V→W is regular if around each point x there is an affine variety Vx and around each point f(x)∈W there is an affine variety Wf(x) with ϕ(Vx)⊂Wf(x) and such that the restriction Vx→Wf(x) is a regular map of affine varieties.
Title | regular map |
Canonical name | RegularMap |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:04:00 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:04:00 |
Owner | nerdy2 (62) |
Last modified by | nerdy2 (62) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | nerdy2 (62) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 14A10 |
Synonym | regular morphism |