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relations between Hessian matrix and local extrema

Let x be a vector, and let H(x) be the HessianMathworldPlanetmath for f at a point x. Let f have continuousMathworldPlanetmath partial derivativesMathworldPlanetmath of first and second order in a neighborhoodMathworldPlanetmath of x. Let f(x)=0.

If H(x) is positive definitePlanetmathPlanetmath (, then x is a strict local minimum for f.

If x is a local minimum for x, then H(x) is positive semidefinite.

If H(x) is negative definite (, then x is a strict local maximum for f.

If x is a local maximum for x, then H(x) is negative semidefinite.

If H(x) is indefinite, x is a nondegenerate saddle point.

If the case when the dimensionPlanetmathPlanetmath of x is 1 (i.e. f:), this reduces to the Second Derivative TestMathworldPlanetmath, which is as follows:

Let the neighborhood of x be in the domain for f, and let f have continuous partial derivatives of first and second order. Let f(x)=0. If f′′, then x is a strict local minimum. If f′′(x)<0, then x is a strict local maximum. In the case that f′′(x)=0, being f′′′(x)0, x is said to be an inflexion point (also called turning point). A typical example is f(x)=sinx, f′′(x)=-sinx=0, x=nπ, n=0,±1,±2,, f′′′(x)=-cosx, f′′′(nπ)=-cosnπ=(-1)n+10.

Title relations between Hessian matrix and local extrema
Canonical name RelationsBetweenHessianMatrixAndLocalExtrema
Date of creation 2013-03-22 12:59:52
Last modified on 2013-03-22 12:59:52
Owner bshanks (153)
Last modified by bshanks (153)
Numerical id 14
Author bshanks (153)
Entry type Result
Classification msc 26B12
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