Riesz representation theorem (of linear functionals on function spaces)

This entry should not be mistaken with the entry on the Riesz representation theoremMathworldPlanetmath of boundedPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath (http://planetmath.org/BoundedOperator) linear functionalsMathworldPlanetmath on an Hilbert spaceMathworldPlanetmath.

The Riesz provided here basically that linear functionals on certain spaces of functions can be seen as integration against measuresMathworldPlanetmath. In other , for some spaces of functions all linear functionals have the form


for some measure μ.

There are many versions of these Riesz , and which version is used depends upon the generality wishes to achieve, the difficulty of proof, the of space of functions involved, the of linear functionals involved, the of the ”” space involved, and also the of measures involved.

We present here some possible Riesz of general use.

Notation - In the following we adopt the following conventions:

Theorem 1 (Riesz-Markov) - Let L be a positive linear functionalMathworldPlanetmath on Cc(X). There exists a unique Radon measureMathworldPlanetmath μ on X, whose underlying σ-algebra (http://planetmath.org/SigmaAlgebra) is the σ-algebra generated by all compact sets, such that


Moreover, μ is finite if and only if L is bounded.

Notice that when X is σ-compact (http://planetmath.org/SigmaCompact) the underlying σ-algebra for these measures is precisely the Borel σ-algebra (http://planetmath.org/BorelSigmaAlgebra) of X.

Theorem 2 - Let L be a positive linear functional on C0(X). There exists a unique finite Radon measure μ on X such that


Theorem 3 (Dual of C0(X)) - Let L be a linear functional on C0(X). There exists a unique finite signed (http://planetmath.org/SignedMeasure) Borel measure on X such that


0.0.1 Complex version:

Here C0(X) denotes the space of complex valued continuous functions on X that vanish at infinity.

Theorem 4 - Let L be a linear functional on C0(X). There exists a unique finite complex Borel measure μ on X such that

Title Riesz representation theorem (of linear functionals on function spaces)
Canonical name RieszRepresentationTheoremofLinearFunctionalsOnFunctionSpaces
Date of creation 2013-03-22 17:28:18
Last modified on 2013-03-22 17:28:18
Owner asteroid (17536)
Last modified by asteroid (17536)
Numerical id 13
Author asteroid (17536)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 28C05
Classification msc 46A99
Defines Riesz-Markov theorem