ruled surface
A straight line g moving continuously in space sweeps a ruled surface. Formally: A surface S in ℝ3 is a ruled surface if it is connected and if for any point p of S, there is a line g such that p∈g⊂S.
Such a surface may be formed by using two auxiliary curves given e.g. in the parametric forms
→r=→a(t),→r=→b(t). |
Using two parameters s and t we express the position vector ( of an arbitrary point of the ruled surface as
→r=→a(t)+s→b(t). |
Here →r=→a(t) is a curve on the ruled surface and is called or the of the surface, while →r=→b(t) is the director curve of the surface. Every position of g is a generatrix or ruling of the ruled surface.
1. Choosing the z-axis (→r=ct→k, c≠0) as the and the unit circle (→r=→icost+→jsint) as the director curve we get the helicoid (“screw surface”; cf. the circular helix)
→r=ct→k+s(→icost+→jsint)=(scostssintct). |
2. The equation
z=xy |
presents a hyperbolic paraboloid (if we rotate the coordinate system
( 45 about the z-axis using the formulae x=(x′-y′)/√2,
y=(x′+y′)/√2, the equation gets the form x′2-y′2=2z). Since the position vector of any point of the surface may be written using the parameters s and t as
→r=(0t0)+s(10t), |
we see that it’s a question of a ruled surface with rectilinear directrix and director curve.
3. Other ruled surfaces are for example all cylindrical
surfaces (plane included), conical surfaces,
one-sheeted hyperboloid (
Title | ruled surface |
Canonical name | RuledSurface |
Date of creation | 2016-03-03 17:28:55 |
Last modified on | 2016-03-03 17:28:55 |
Owner | pahio (2872) |
Last modified by | pahio (2872) |
Numerical id | 19 |
Author | pahio (2872) |
Entry type | Topic |
Classification | msc 51M20 |
Classification | msc 51M04 |
Related topic | EquationOfPlane |
Related topic | GraphOfEquationXyConstant |
Defines | directrix |
Defines | base curve |
Defines | director curve |
Defines | generatrix |
Defines | generatrices |
Defines | ruling |
Defines | helicoid |