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size of maximal independent set and chromatic number

Let α(G) be the size of the largest independent setMathworldPlanetmath in a graph G, and χ(G) the chromatic numberMathworldPlanetmath of G.

Theorem: α(G)χ(G)|G|.


The vertices of G can be partitioned into χ(G) monochromatic classes. Each class is an independent set, and hence cannot have size larger than α(G). ∎

Title size of maximal independent set and chromatic number
Canonical name SizeOfMaximalIndependentSetAndChromaticNumber
Date of creation 2013-03-22 14:30:02
Last modified on 2013-03-22 14:30:02
Owner kshum (5987)
Last modified by kshum (5987)
Numerical id 10
Author kshum (5987)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 05C69
Classification msc 05C15