spectrum is a non-empty compact set
Theorem - Let 𝒜 be a complex Banach algebra with identity element. The spectrum of each a∈𝒜 is a non-empty compact set in ℂ.
Remark : For Banach algebras over ℝ the spectrum of an element is also a compact set, although it can be empty. To assure that it is not the empty set, proofs usually involve Liouville’s theorem (http://planetmath.org/LiouvillesTheorem2) for of a complex with values in a Banach algebra.
Proof : Let e be the identity element of 𝒜. Let σ(a) denote the spectrum of the element a∈𝒜.
- For each λ∈ℂ such that |λ|>∥a∥ one has ∥λ-1a∥<1, and so, by the Neumann series (http://planetmath.org/NeumannSeriesInBanachAlgebras), e-λ-1a is invertible. Since
a-λe=-λ(e-λ-1a) we see that a-λe is also invertible.
Let ϕ:ℂ⟶𝒜 be the function defined by
ϕ(λ)=a-λe It is known that the set 𝒢 of the invertible elements of 𝒜 is open (see this entry (http://planetmath.org/InvertibleElementsInABanachAlgebraFormAnOpenSet)).
Since ϕ-1(𝒢)=ℂ-σ(a) and ϕ is a continuous function
we see that that σ(a) is a closed set
in ℂ.
As σ(a) is a bounded closed subset of ℂ, it is compact.
Non-emptiness - Suppose that σ(a) was empty. Then the resolvent Ra is defined in ℂ.
We can see that Ra is bounded since it is continuous in the closed disk |λ|<∥a∥ and, for λ>∥a∥, we have (again, by the Neumann series (http://planetmath.org/NeumannSeriesInBanachAlgebras))
∥Ra(λ)∥ = ∥(a-λe)-1∥ = ∥λ-1(e-λ-1a)-1∥ ≤ |λ|-11-|λ|-1∥a∥ = 1|λ|-∥a∥ and therefore lim, which shows that is bounded.
The resolvent function, , is analytic
(http://planetmath.org/BanachSpaceValuedAnalyticFunctions) (see this entry (http://planetmath.org/ResolventFunctionIsAnalytic)). As it is defined in , it is a bounded entire function. Applying Liouville’s theorem (http://planetmath.org/LiouvillesTheorem2) we conclude that it must be constant (see this this entry (http://planetmath.org/BanachSpaceValuedAnalyticFunctions) for an idea of how holds for Banach space
valued functions).
Since converges
to as we see that must be identically zero.
Thus, we have arrived to a contradiction
since is not invertible.
Therefore is non-empty.
Title | spectrum is a non-empty compact set |
Canonical name | SpectrumIsANonemptyCompactSet |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 17:25:05 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 17:25:05 |
Owner | asteroid (17536) |
Last modified by | asteroid (17536) |
Numerical id | 10 |
Author | asteroid (17536) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 46H05 |