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squarefull number

A natural number n is called squarefull (or powerful) if for every prime p|n we have p2|n. In 1978 Erdős conjectured that we cannot have three consecutive squarefull natural numbers. If we assume the ABC ConjectureMathworldPlanetmath, there are only finitely many such consecutive triples.

Title squarefull number
Canonical name SquarefullNumber
Date of creation 2013-03-22 11:45:26
Last modified on 2013-03-22 11:45:26
Owner KimJ (5)
Last modified by KimJ (5)
Numerical id 10
Author KimJ (5)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 11A51
Classification msc 55-00
Classification msc 82-00
Classification msc 83-00
Classification msc 81-00
Classification msc 39A99
Classification msc 39B72
Classification msc 33E30
Synonym powerful number
Related topic NFullNumber