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stereographic projection

The n-dimensional Euclidean sphereMathworldPlanetmath Sn is defined as a subset of n+1:


The stereographic projection maps all points of Sn to the n-dimensional Euclidean spaceMathworldPlanetmath n except one. Let N:= be this point (it is usually called the north pole). Then the stereographic projection is defined by


Here, c is an arbitrary real number. If c=1, the projection degenerates; in all other cases, however, σ is a smooth bijective mapping.

The image P of a point P under σ can be geometrically constructed as follows. Embed n into n+1 as a hyperplaneMathworldPlanetmath at xn+1=c. Unless c=1, the straight line defined by N and P intersects with n in precisely one point, P. The most common values for c are c=-1 and c=0, see figures 1 and 2.

Figure 1: Stereographic projection of the one dimensional unit sphere for c=-1
Figure 2: Stereographic projection of the one dimensional unit sphere for c=0

Let -id:n+1n+1 be the map x-x, then σ~:=σ(-id) (a suitably restricted compositionMathworldPlanetmath) maps all points of Sn except the south pole S:=(0,,0,-1) smoothly and bijectively to n. Together, σ and σ~ form an atlas of Sn, so Sn is an n-dimensional smooth manifoldMathworldPlanetmath.

Title stereographic projection
Canonical name StereographicProjection
Date of creation 2013-03-22 15:18:35
Last modified on 2013-03-22 15:18:35
Owner GrafZahl (9234)
Last modified by GrafZahl (9234)
Numerical id 5
Author GrafZahl (9234)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 54E40
Classification msc 54C25
Classification msc 54C05
Classification msc 51M15
Related topic CoordinateSystems
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Defines north pole
Defines south pole