There are several conflicting definitions of what a submanifold is, depending on which author you are reading. All that agrees is that a submanifold is a subset of a manifold which is itself a manifold, however how structure is inherited from the ambient space is not generally agreed upon.
So let’s start with differentiable
submanifolds of ℝn as that’s the most useful case.
Let M be a subset of ℝn such that for every point
p∈M there exists a neighbourhood Up of p in ℝn
and m continuously differentiable functions ρk:U→ℝ where the differentials of ρk are linearly independent,
such that
M∩U={x∈U∣ρk(x)=0,1≤k≤m}. |
Then M is called a submanifold of ℝn of dimension m
and of codimension n-m.
If ρk are in fact smooth then M is a smooth submanifold and similarly if ρ is real analytic then M is a real analytic submanifold. If we identify ℝ2n with ℂn and we have a submanifold there it is called a real submanifold in ℂn. ρk are usually called the local defining functions.
Let’s now look at a more general definition. Let M be a manifold of dimension m. A subset N⊂M is said to have the submanifold property if there exists an integer n≤m, such that for
p∈N there is a coordinate neighbourhood U and a coordinate function φ:U→ℝm of M such that φ(p)=(0,0,0,…,0),
φ(U∩N)={x∈φ(U)∣xn+1=xn+2=…=xm=0} if n<m or N∩U=U if n=m.
Let M be a manifold of dimension m. A subset N⊂M with the submanifold property for some n≤m is called a submanifold of M of dimension n and of codimension m-n.
The ambiguity arises about what topology we require N to have. Some authors require N to have the relative topology inherited from M, others don’t.
One could also mean that a subset is a submanifold if it is a disjoint
union of submanifolds of different dimensions. It is not hard to see that
if N is connected this is not an issue (whatever the topology on N is).
In case of differentiable manifolds,
if we take N to be a subspace of M (the topology on N is the relative topology inherited from M) and the differentiable structure of N to
be the one determined by
the coordinate neighbourhoods above then we call N a regular submanifold.
If N is a submanifold and the inclusion map i:N→M is an imbedding, then we
say that N is an imbedded (or embedded) submanifold of M.
Let p∈M where M is a manifold. Then the equivalence class of all
submanifolds N⊂M such that p∈N where we say N1 is
to N2 if there is some open neighbourhood U of p such
that N1∩U=N2∩U is called the germ of a submanifold through the point p.
If N⊂M is an open subset of M, then N is called the open submanifold of M. This is the easiest class of examples of submanifolds.
Example of a submanifold (a in fact) is the unit sphere in ℝn. This is in fact a hypersurface as it is of codimension 1.
- 1 William M. Boothby. , Academic Press, San Diego, California, 2003.
- 2 M. Salah Baouendi, Peter Ebenfelt, Linda Preiss Rothschild. , Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1999.
Title | submanifold |
Canonical name | Submanifold |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:47:20 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:47:20 |
Owner | jirka (4157) |
Last modified by | jirka (4157) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | jirka (4157) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 32V40 |
Classification | msc 53C40 |
Classification | msc 53B25 |
Classification | msc 57N99 |
Related topic | Manifold |
Related topic | Hypersurface |
Defines | real submanifold |
Defines | codimension of a manifold |
Defines | local defining functions |
Defines | real submanifold |
Defines | smooth submanifold |
Defines | real analytic submanifold |
Defines | regular submanifold |
Defines | imbedded submanifold |
Defines | embedded submanifold |
Defines | germ of a submanifold |
Defines | open submanifold |