submatrix notation
Let n and k be integers with 1≤k≤n. Denote by
Qk,n the totality of all sequences of k integers, where the elements of
the sequence are strictly increasing and choosen from {1,…,n}.
Let A=(aij) be an m×n matrix with elements from some set, usually taken to be a field for ring. Let k and r be positive integers with 1≤k≤m, 1≤r≤n, α∈Qk,m and β∈Qr,n. We let α=(i1,…,ik) and β=(j1,…,jr)
The submatrix A[α,β] has (s,t) entry equal to
aisjt and has k rows and r columns.
We denote by A(α,β) the submatrix of A whose rows and columns are complementary to α and β, respectively.
We can also define similarly the notations A[α,β) and A(α,β].
Title | submatrix notation |
Canonical name | SubmatrixNotation |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:13:36 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:13:36 |
Owner | Mathprof (13753) |
Last modified by | Mathprof (13753) |
Numerical id | 5 |
Author | Mathprof (13753) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 15-00 |