sum-product theorem

Suppose ๐”ฝ is a finite fieldMathworldPlanetmath. Then given a subset A of ๐”ฝ we define the sum of A to be the set


and the product to be the set


We concern ourselves with estimating the size of A+A and Aโ‹…A relative to the size of A, and ultimately also to the size of ๐”ฝ.

If A is empty then A+A is empty as is Aโ‹…A and so |A|=|A+A|=|Aโ‹…A|. Now suppose A is non-empty then let aโˆˆA. Then


so |A|โ‰ค|A+A|. If A={0} then Aโ‹…A=A so finally assume aโˆˆA, aโ‰ 0. Then we have


so in any case it always follows that

|A|โ‰ค|A+A|,|Aโ‹…A|. (1)

Now if ๐”ฝ has a proper subfield ๐”ฝ0 โ€“ for instance ๐”ฝ=GโขFโข(p2) and ๐”ฝ0=GโขFโข(P) โ€“ then setting A=๐”ฝ0 makes A=A+A=Aโ‹…A and so in this situation the bound in (1) is tight, that is, |A|=|A+A|=|Aโ‹…A|. So we insist now that ๐”ฝ is a prime fieldMathworldPlanetmath, so it has no proper subfields.

We would like to understand what size A must have to ensure that either A+A or Aโ‹…A is larger than A. (Note this is not the same as asking if Aโ‰ A+A or Aโ‹…A as we are concerned only with growth in size not the change in the elements of the set.) Clearly A={0} fails, as does A=๐”ฝ and with some intuition as guidance it is safe to presume that A must be large enough to have enough elements to produce many elements as a sum or product but also small enough that these these new elements outgrow the size of A. This is the content of the following important result.

Theorem 1 (Sum-Product estimate:Bourgain-Katz-Tao (2003)).

Let F=Zp be the field of prime order p. Let A be any subset of F such that


for some ฮด>0. Then


for some ฮต>0 which depends on ฮด and some constant C which also depends on ฮด.

The proof is non-trivial. Jean Bourgain was awarded the Fieldsโ€™ medal in 1994, Terence Tao in 2006 with the prize in part due to his various contributions in additive number theory. Bourgain, Katz, and Tao, A Sum-Product estimate in finite fields, and applications, (preprint) arXiv:math/CO/0301343 v2, 2003.

Title sum-product theorem
Canonical name SumproductTheorem
Date of creation 2013-03-22 16:54:48
Last modified on 2013-03-22 16:54:48
Owner Algeboy (12884)
Last modified by Algeboy (12884)
Numerical id 8
Author Algeboy (12884)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 11T99
Classification msc 05B25
Synonym Sum-product estimate