theorem on sums of two squares by Fermat
Suppose that an odd prime number p can be written as the sum
p=a2+b2 |
where a and b are integers. Then they have to be coprime.
We will show that p is of the form 4n+1.
Since p∤, the congruence
has a solution , whence
and thus
Consequently, the Legendre symbol is , i.e.
Therefore, we must have
(1) |
where is a positive integer.
Euler has first proved the following theorem presented by
Fermat and containing also the converse of the above claim.
(Thue’s lemma ( An odd prime is
uniquely expressible as sum of two squares of integers if and
only if it satisfies (1) with an integer value of .
The theorem implies easily the
Corollary. If all odd prime factors of a positive
integer are congruent to 1 modulo 4 then the integer is a sum
of two squares. (Cf. the proof of the parent article and the article
“prime factors of Pythagorean hypotenuses (”.)
Title | theorem on sums of two squares by Fermat |
Canonical name | TheoremOnSumsOfTwoSquaresByFermat |
Date of creation | 2014-10-25 17:44:02 |
Last modified on | 2014-10-25 17:44:02 |
Owner | pahio (2872) |
Last modified by | pahio (2872) |
Numerical id | 13 |
Author | pahio (2872) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 11A05 |
Classification | msc 11A41 |
Classification | msc 11A67 |
Classification | msc 11E25 |